Thursday, June 17, 2021

Before the Trip

So what happened in June before we started off on our journey west...let me look below because I can't remember.  Lots of pictures from the Helena Vacation Bible School, that included a fun visit and even date night with our good friends Courtney and Aaron Craig.  A river trip to Shoal Creek cause the kids are dying to get in the water, altho I think Sam was doing some geocaching for most of that trip.  Family visits to the Shave Ice station...Belle making some canvas creations...Ruby and her "wackits"...a bible study visit with the Forest Hills congregation and my good friend Bob Myhan...Lego creation and destruction of the downstairs den...Magan has some fun tooth issues that linger into the trip with steroids and inflammation medicines...Sam's eagle project scout work day with Granddaddy...and some crazy teethed girls (Claire and Ruby) at church one Wednesday.  

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