Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Our Journey West...Day 6 - Cabrillo, La Jolla, and Coronado

I had originally planned this for a day at Seaworld, but due to the out of state COVID rules, it just seemed easier to find some fun things around San Diego to check out.  We were again joined by Tanya and Joe, and began our day at Cabrillo National Monument.  I haven't read this book yet either, so I am going to say some Spanish guy named Cabrillo was the first to reach this point along the West Coast.  I believe his name was Jimmy Cabrillo.  Anyway, it was a neat place to visit and had amazing views of the Pacific Ocean, and back into the San Diego bay.  We actually saw the Hotel Coronado where we would end our day.  At Cabrillo was where Joe first caught Ruby picking the pretty flowers, but when confronted with the fact she was not to pick them, she explained that she had "accidentally" picked them.  

After Cabrillo, we drove up the coast to La Jolla, and got to see the sea lions.  Pretty crazy that you could get pretty close to them, but you could tell they were not happy with the people that got too close.  On the sea wall, we walked out to explore the view, and one guy in a full suit was out in the surf looking for mussels.  He looked like Christian Bale, and was kinda strange as he jumped up to the wall and climbed up to show some of the mussels he had caught.  We got to take off our shoes and first get our feet into the Pacific here at this place.   Afterwards we found a local sandwich shop for lunch, and after a nice long wait we got most of our sandwiches.  I think Davis found this bustier below on the walk to the lunch.  

At this point, we again parted ways with Granny, Granddaddy, Tanya and Joe and went back to our hotel to get some swimming suits on for the Hotel Coronado.  A very famous hotel that has hosted a large number of presidents and featured in Some like it Hot, it was also the inspiration for the Grand Floridian in Disneyworld.  And it was also where I thought we could finally let the kids play in the ocean.  And after we and they stepped into the ocean, they realized quickly that it was way too cold.  The water was freezing and only Ruby got in to her waist.  But it was fun looking out at the ocean, seeing the lighthouse where we had visited that morning, and then turning to see the HUGE hotel behind us.  I had looked into booking this hotel, but at $700/night, it was not in our range.  

After a quick stop at Walgreens (that somehow also included starbucks for Magan and gellato for the kids), we left and went back to the hotel to play in the much warmer indoor pool.  Ruby and Belle thought is was hilarious to hold "Baby Daddy" in the pool...and I will do just about anything to hear their sweet laughs.  And for supper I went to a Kansas City BBQ joint next door to the hotel, where Davis had told me part of Top Gun had been filmed.  I did not believe him, and said he was crazy...but I was wrong.  The filmmakers had seen the remote (at the time) BBQ place and filmed the famous "Great Balls of Fire" scene with Goose and Maverick here.  They still had the piano played by Goose.  Due to the long hours of the shoot, they had to bring in stage lighting to make it look like it was still light outside.  It worked out well, and they called the BBQ place later, and it is where they filmed the final scene where Kelly McGillis sees Tom Cruise after starting "Love and Feeling" on the jukebox.  So I got a selfie with the piano, and took the food back to the room...and yes, let Davis know he was right, and I was wrong.  

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