So it was a hot night filled with the sounds of fans and sound machines, but we woke up 30 seconds from the rim of the GRAND CANYON. I don't know about everyone else, but I walked out there in my pajamas to see it, and it is really takes your breath away, and in my case, also makes your legs not work properly. Ruby was so excited that we were sleeping in a hotel "from the olden days". We also captured a picture of a bag of chips, which continually made us laugh this whole trip to see the bags almost explode as we climbed elevation, and then nearly implode as we drove back down.
But to begin this day, I must first share of the worst night of sleep for anyone during this whole trip, and shared by Sam (parenthetical from JSJ)...I laid down to go to sleep but due to a lack of any ac, I was burning up and had a
terrible stomach ache (remember the fried food at Outback). I knew that if something didn't change quickly, I would be
cleaning the floor. So, I got out of bed and waddled outside where I was welcomed
with a cool breeze. After 15 minutes and after narrowly escaping an internal
meltdown, I made my way back to the room to get a bath. As I came to the door, I searched
frantically for my room card, but quickly realized that it was still in the
room! I decided that I would try to get Davis to open the door for me. So I went
to the other side of the lodge where our window was open for air flow. I
started at a whisper ?Davis? Davis? davissssss? then in a normal voice ?Davis?
Davis? Davisssss? and clacking some rocks together to try to wake him up. I did receive some annoyed sleep sounds but Davis was sound asleep. I then began to search
for other options and I realized that I could just go get another key from the
front desk. I went to front desk and asked, "hey I left my key in my room, is
there any way that I can get a new key"? Sarcastically the front desk man said, "so you locked
yourself out" (No, I just like talking to you). And I had to admit that I had. Once he gave me a new key I
finally got back into the room and took a bath. When I walked to the bed I
found Davis laying across the entire thing. I didn't want to upset my stomach or Davis, so I decided to sleep on the floor. I lifted Davis' feet and slipped the
blankets out from under him. I laid them out on the floor and finally got some
sleep. (Wow, but I still laugh at the thought of rocks clacking together to wake up Davis).
We began our tour along the Grand Canyon village looking at all the stores, visiting the El Tovar hotel, remembering this is where Clark Griswold stole some money and left the hotel, acting like indians, and taking lots of pictures along the rim. Anabelle and Ruby also ran into a Park Ranger, and starting earning their second badge. There was some memories of us fussing at Davis for climbing on the wall of the canyon…to which granddaddy replied "your granny did the same thing to your dad when he was your age"….and then he said "when you have a kid you’ll do the same thing to your kid and your granddaddy will be standing back behind you with a walker telling you how the same thing happened when…."
We next began an adventurous tour out to Hermit's Rest. We began with a mad scramble to find masks for everyone to wear, as this appears to be the only remaining requirement across country for masks...either a bus controlled by the National Park Service or within the Gateway Arch. So I think if you look closely, you will see granddaddy in a nice flower print colored mask borrowed from our stash. My goal was just to ride the bus all the way to the end, because really after you see a few angles of the canyon, you pretty much got what you are going to see. But as we got on the bus, we realized we had Mr. "Shush Up And Listen to me", as he barked at the folks getting on the bus with no masks, then as he described the canyon with I am sure a very difficult collection of words to memorize, others began talking amongst ourselves, and he loudly shushed us, as there were surely some people in the bus that wanted to listen to him over normal bus chatter. We did not, but we did shush in order to not be shushed again, and thus this man won.
We did not make it to Hermit's Rest, as Davis had to go to the bathroom almost as soon as we got on the bus. So we did not know where to stop, and saw that there was only one stop with a bathroom before we got to the end of the line. But at the stop right before the bathroom was Powell's Point, where Magan and I wanted to recreate a picture. So everyone got out there, while Davis and I took the next stop, used the restroom, then ran back along the road to Powell Point. Then after pictures, Granny needed the we walked back to the next stop...anyway, it was a slow process, but in the end, there was a lot of nice time to rest on our way to Hermit's Rest. Ruby and Granny showed off their matching purses used to collect pins and badges. Belle had one too, but didn't carry it much. Ruby also had just got her "Junior Ranger" hat. The Junior Ranger program was just right for Ruby, and Belle was nice enough to play along and help me help Ruby get the badges all complete on time. Belle quickly learned Dad's tricks to look thru the book for the easiest pages to complete (a maze, not the word search).
At Hermit's rest, we did just that, and even had a popsicle to enjoy. At least we all did except for Granddaddy, but there comes a time in every boys life where he turns 41, and he travels with his dad to the Grand Canyon, and it is a strange decision to buy or not to buy a popsicle for dear ole dad. So in retrospect, I leave this message for Sam and Davis, who will hopefully take their dad on a similar trip...Get your dad a popsicle too.
Back at the hotel, we all loaded into the black van (yes, we all fit with the extra seat Granny and Granddaddy brought in their truck), and drove to see the other side of the Canyon. Belle saw the Grand Canyon train and asked with surprise... "Hey, I didn't know this place had a monorail". At this side of the canyon, we found the cookie monster (yeah, long way from hollywood, but donations were accepted). And I think we went to Mather's Point, where I found that if the canyon is on two sides of me, my legs go to jello and I stumble around unable to walk. I think Magan also used this as another place for pictures, then individual pictures, then girls pictures, then boys pictures...
After supper at one of the local Grand Canyon village quick service places, I remember coming outside to see Granny staring down a guy in an RV, then Grandaddy scoping things out to get his tag. There was a crying child which ended up just being a crying child, but made for some awkward moments between RV guy in his front seat on phone, and Granny starring him down.
For the evening, the boys wanted to hike down into the canyon, so I put on my new Grand Canyon socks with a map...just in case we got lost. (Side story is that socks have been strictly Disney for me, 30% because they are disney, but 70% because of a perfect blend of cotton to make my feet feel so good. Well, McGovern Socks has now done it with National Park Socks, so this was my first of what will be many National Park socks). Granddad, I, Sam and Davis hiked thru the first tunnel and quite a ways further. It was the farthest I think I had been, but not yet even a mile, but I knew it would be harder going back up, so we decided to turn around. At the turn around point, I grabbed a pic of the boys with Granddad then told them excitedly "look at that picture on my screen". It looked so good to me. It is below, and not as good as I remember. But then after I said this, I continued with "oh well, i guess its right behind you…grand canyon really brings out that tree". I also found two spots coming back up after I had taken a picture of the guys "crawling" back up the trail, that I truly felt stuck to the wall. Sam caught me on one of these times, as I did not feel like I could turn around to go back up, just glued with my back against the canyon wall. Davis told me later "I thought you may have blacked out, so I was going to have to run get some apple juice and crackers for you". hahaha.
Back at the top, we visited the Kolb studio about some brothers that were some of the first explorers of the canyon for marketing it to others. Really cool stuff...I bought the book, but have not read it yet, so I have no stories to share. Then back at the top, we decided to look for the girls. Grandad was the only one with service, so he called, and as I was nearby, I overheard his end of the conversation..."You are where?" then "With the GIRLS!??" then a series of sounds that I could tell no communication was going on, and he relayed to me that they were in the Cocktail Lounge. We went over to the restaurant, where Granny came out nearly falling over with laughter to tell me that they were in the Cocktail Lounge (which was the name of the restaurant area). I thought this was funny, but I don't know if Granddaddy thought it was funny. But we sat back on some benches and enjoyed a view of the rim during the sunset. Then the girls joined us, and I captured some videos, but missed them turning the corner to see us and all 4 busting a gut laughing about their visit to the Cocktail Lounge. Magan then shared, during breaks of laughter how they thought we would be gone for much longer, so then went to the restaurant for some dessert and a surprise for the girls while we were hiking. The only section open was the cocktail lounge. And as soon as they were seated, Grandaddy calls and asks where they are...She quickly responded without thinking "We are in the Cocktail Lounge". Then they all started laughing as she tried to respond "Yes, with all the girls". Non-stop cackling from those 4 as they told and retold this story.
We stayed on our benches thru the remainder of the sunset...with some family pictures, then girls pictures, then boys pictures, mom with girls, mom with boys...etc... A wonderful way to end our day, but alas, this day began with a sam bathroom story, I will end this day's memories with a little girl that ate ice cream after 8PM, and does not hold her food down well. So at 11:30PM on that night one hour after we had somewhat gone to sleep in our non-ac room, I am woken up by Ruby looking at me with puke all in her hair, all in her dress. We are well versed in this scenario, so both Magan and I are up quickly, me putting her directly into the tub, getting the clothes washed off in the toilet. Magan helping Ruby get her hair and body washed off. Then we see puke all over the bed. So sheets off. I call for two garbage bags and some new sheets. We get all the hotel sheets into a garbage bag for a nice surprise to the cleaning staff in the morning. We get DUMBO washed off of all the puke, and blanket washed of all the puke, new sheets on the bed, girls back in bed, and puke clothes in bag...but it is now 12:30AM, and Magan says...she will need those later in the trip, and we can't wait till Moab, UT to wash them, they will be ruined. So our sweet mom gets back out of bed and starts the tub, and handwashes all of the puke clothes, including dumbo and blankets. And wouldn't you know it, with that many fans running, they were almost dry and had a fresh Tide scent by the morning.

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