Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Our Journey West...Day 13 - Colorado River Adventure

Another day in Moab, and another morning to sleep in late.  If you need any breakfast, there are still some hashbrowns in the fridge.  Our rafting adventure was not until later in the afternoon, so after getting ready this morning, we set off to visit the shopping area in Moab.  We did quite a bit of shopping, but it seemed like each store had about the same stuff.  But it was a different thing to do, and Mom was definitely happy, so we shopped until lunch time, and went in Zax's on the main strip for lunch.  

After lunch we headed over for our rafting adventure.  We were fitted for our life vests, and sat and waited for the buses to depart.  On our bus trip along the Colorado River with steep drops down, the tour guide told us about a lady that had once been a bus driver, but drove so fast and dangerously that she wrecked into the River.   She was sent to prison for this driving, and later became a driver for the prison system and had a similar wreck with convicts inside.  Later, that same lady was released from prison and could not get a job anywhere, so the rafting adventure place was kind enough to offer her a job, and then the tour guide announced that she was our new driver of the bus.  Big set up for a very small laugh, but funny nevertheless.  But the funnier thing was Belle, Ruby, and Davis later telling Magan in all seriousness that they weren't sure if the "prison lady" should be driving our bus.  

On the water, the rapids were rather mild, but the views all around us were amazing.  Me and the boys did get to jump out during one set of rapids, and I realized quickly that I don't need to be in any rapids.  I am not good in the water, and this was my first time in what most would not even call rapids, but I was having a hard time breathing.  Anyway, if anyone is counting the horrible deaths that happen in my dreams, number one should come as no surprise, it is a fall from great heights, and easily at number two is drowning.  And if I ever fall off a cliff into a pool where I drown, please read this at my eulogy.  It will be tragic, but should get a laugh, even tho it might also take a big set up.  

After the rapids tho, it was great to get out and swim in the cold water.  Ruby and Belle jumped out, and while Ruby held onto the boat, Belle did come out and swim with me for a bit.  That was probably the favorite part was being out of the boat in the water.  But in the boat, we saw deer, and mountains all around, we learned about Hannah Lacy of Northern CA that once met the guy that climbed in the movie Free Solo.  She also showed us "Gummi Bear" mountain that is in the background of a group shot below, and told us how she had climbed to the top.  Not free soloing!  And just like that we were getting out of the boat and back on the bus for a ride home.  Ha, we did capture a picture of Davis' blowout shoe below as well.  and that is him down in the water chilling while everyone was waiting for the bus.  

Back at the house, the kids wanted more water time, so Magan took them over to the pool.  Granddaddy and I went to tell them we were going out for pizza, and it was so funny because I was yelling thru the fence and Magan never heard me or saw me, but the kids relayed the message to her.  They were so excited to tell me later that mom had gotten in the pool with them.  So kids, one day if you are reading this, and you have lost your love for swimming pools (no, I am not talking to Davis, as I don't think that is a possibility), but your kids want you to jump in...jump in.  They will love it.  

And our last night in Moab ended with some weird local pizza (one was pistachio) and a movie "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" that has never caught my attention.  I simply can not watch that movie start to finish.  But it cracks me up to watch Sam watching it.  That funny wheezy laugh just keeps going during this movie.  Somewhere in this day we also heard Ruby's classic never ending "Water Bottle Song", which still has us singing "RUBY, don't forget your water water bottle".  

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