Friday, June 25, 2021

Our Journey West...Day 8 - Sequoia

We decided to wake up early and leave so that we could get through Los Angeles before the traffic got too bad, and then realized when we hit L.A. that the plan is hopeless, that place always has traffic.   And we had some of our number with some bathroom issues, so we had already stopped once between Escondido and L.A., and we could NOT stop again until we got past L.A.  It was a struggle, but we followed waze around and around until finally we were out and north of the city.  Time for a stop and a bite of breakfast at McDonalds.  We all went in, but were planning to eat in the car, so I was back in the car with the girls when Magan texts me that "Sam has burned his eyes and going back inside".  This somewhat floors me, as I had no idea that was something to watch out for in McDonalds.

Later Sam told the story of him taking off the lid of his coffee to let it cool off, and as he was walking back to the van, he decided to put the lid back on.  Well, placing the lid back on and stepping off a curb at the same time, led to the disastrous event.  The step off the curb and lid replacement led to some hand shaking which spilt hot coffee on his hands, which led to more shaking and high pitched noises of pain, then dropping the coffee.  But as the coffee was dropping, Sam bent down with it trying to catch it with his razor-sharp reflexes, then the coffee hit the ground, and with an equal and opposite reaction, the ground pushed the scalding hot coffee back up and into Sam's face.  Luckily, and thankful to the Hot Coffee McDonald's lawsuit, the coffee was not that hot, and while leaving some red marks, Sam was otherwise not injured.  And by the end of the day, and the writing of this one month later, he retold me this story as it now seems rather humorous.  

We finally arrived at Sequoia National Park, which basically means absolutely nothing as to how close you are to the trees, and stopped at the Welcome center for our first experience of the COVID rules at the national parks in CA.  Wow, the welcome center could only allow for 4 people at a time, and  with a family of 4 in there before us, the line did not move.  While there, magan captured the picture of the van with writing in the dust on the back saying "She go up hill slow, Sorry", and Magan said we have to get going quick or we will be behind them.  Have I mentioned how slow I drive in these blogs yet, well, that van passed us later.  And the rode that was later was so longggg and windy.  And there was a large rock that we slowly got close to (Moro Rock, maybe?).  I think everyone in our car was getting sick, and this was the first time I found that looking out of the car to the side turned me into an indian screaming.  

But we finally made it to the forest and went straight to where Magan has been wanting to go at least for our whole married see General Sherman.  If you could see the number of souvenirs that she got at this national park, it is clear what her favorite place was...and our first hike down to Sherman was great, as we walked over to two other large trees first, that we could touch and climb in.  At this location, was also where Davis took the flashdance picture below.  I will also admit at this point in our journey, there started to be some rumbling in everyone's stomach's, because like Granddaddy, lunch can usually be missed by me, and we completely skipped it on this day.  

After our picture at Sherman, the girls took the buses back to the parking lot, but the boys did not have masks, so we hiked back up to the parking lot.  Then we drove over the the Museum area and another forest to explore.  It was nice, but also a place with a store where Magan collected most of her souvenirs.  Ruby was excited to get a Junior Ranger backback...and thus I never saw the fun little purse I got for her, Belle and Granny anymore.  Oh well.   I enjoyed a nice rock to rest on at this location, and we found a series of three sequoias for me, Sam and Davis to take a tree picture.  We all watched Grandaddy free solo climb a rock by the three trees, and held our breath to not have another EPCOT experience.  This is also the location where we got a family shot below where Ruby's head came off (See if you can find it in the pics below.  We all get a kick out of Grandaddy taking a pano pic. His mouth goes full open, and the lens starts moving super slow, rising at a pace similar and steady to the growth of these sequoia trees, and apparently in that movement, Ruby laid her head over onto Magan, so that in one of the pics used by the pano, her head was above her neck, but in the next, her head was on Magan's shoulder).  We all got a kick out of our headless Ruby picture.  

Next, we drove onto our lodge here in the National Park, Wuksachi...yeah, I have no idea how to say that, in my mind it sounds like something Chewbacca wants to protect well.  And they were one of only two places in the park that had food.  And everyone wanted a good supper, not just another panini.  And we were in luck, they had a great supper, but when we came back after checking into our rooms, we found yet another long line ahead of us.  But it was not bad, there were tables and chairs inside, there were free refills on the drinks, there was A.C. and the food was not to shabby...Herb Roasted Chicken, Pot Roast, mashed potatoes, and I think we had a few things green on the plate...I just don't remember them.  Everyone was wanting green….green beans, green broccoli and Belle would even "eat a green Brussel sprout".  It was one of our better meals, but not the best in quality.  I also got some chick peas that everyone loved, and we ended up calling them "musical chick peas" later that evening.  

Back at our room, I was done.  I laid down, and passed out at 7:00PM.  But the adventures were not over, as I was awakened at 9:00PM by a super worried Magan telling me that Sam had gone out, it was dark, and he was still not home.  Where did he go?  I don't know.  So I put my shoes on to go find Sam in a rather large national park with no idea where he has gone.  And luckily as I walked out the door, he was returning.  He had taken a trail off to a near by river and lost track of time, running most of the way back with almost no light.  Sam keeps a lot inside, so I don't know what all went on within his mind, but he appeared a little shaken.  Sometimes an experience like that will teach you a better lesson than a mom or dad ever will.  Regardless we had a talk about any adventures like this required two bits of information prior to him leaving...1. Where exactly are you going?  2. When exactly will you be back?  So can I go to sleep now?  No, I lie awake for a long time unable to sleep this night, mad at myself for falling asleep and not going with Sam.  Random middle age crisis thoughts, dreadful parent thoughts, did I set the alarm thoughts, what will happen if the car breaks down thoughts, until finally it comes and washes over me...sleep.  

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