Saturday, June 26, 2021

Our Journey West...Day 9 - Kings Canyon and Yosemite

After a great nights rest, we had to once again get the car loaded, and on my visit this morning out to the car as part of this load, I was able to walk up to a bear leaving out parking lot.  Hey, remember that story with Sam the previous night, yeah, that was what I was thinking as mr. bear walked on through our lot and over to the woods nonchalantly.  I picked up some breakfast for everyone, and saw some deer on my short drive.  Because the national parks are back to back, we decided to check off another national park before we moved over to Yosemite.  So we went over to King's Canyon and found another set of really cool Sequoia trees.  Here, we were able to walk through the length of a giant sequoia.  And this is where we also found a lady that had no idea how to take pano pictures, but it was the funniest thing I think we saw on the whole trip.  We asked this lady to take our picture in pano mode, and to take it up and down, instead of left to right.  So the hair was super blonde, and all the jokes were super accurate for this lady from Boston.  Because she started taking this picture, at a slightly above granddaddy pace, then we she got to the top of the trees, I think I heard Sam say "Oh no, she's going over", and sure enough, she did not know how to end the pano, so she was  moving the full length of a pano picture...and she almost fell over taking the picture.  We all were a little dumbfounded, and no one knew what we had just witnessed.  But she was all smiles, and explained that this happens all the time with these panos, at that we could just crop out the parts we didn't want.  Seeking to help our fellow human, we suggested she press the button as soon as she wants the pano to stop.  "Oh, that is much easier" she replied.  How I wish I had a video of her back roll taking our picture.  

Back on the road again, we made our way out of the mountains and down to Fresno for lunch, where we followed waze to a chick-fil-a that looked to have been destroyed by fire, so Arby's it is.  At least we had some lunch and would be able to make it till late that night at Yosemite.  The first view of Yosemite is coming straight out of a tunnel, and an overpowering sight.  We immediately stopped there to get some pictures.  But before we made it to the valley, we first had to make it through the front gate with our reservation.  I have the WORST luck at picking the line to get into anywhere, as with Sequoia, we arrived much earlier than granddaddy, but waited in the worst line.  And I happened to get the one lady that had no idea what was going on...or maybe was just having a hard day.  But she looked at all my paperwork, and then wanted to know if I was with the Carsons.  No.  Is anyone in the other room you reserved?  Yes, they are in that truck that has already made it through this front gate.  Then she put on my tag my last name..."SEA".  Granddad helped me later figure out she saw our Chelsea tag, so maybe it came from there.  

I don't know when the picture below of Anabelle and Ruby's clapping game was taken, but I heard it over and over again..."Conversation...64...No Repeats...Or Hesitation...I will start...You will follow...Category is..." and then each would pick a category and they would keep going till someone messed up.  

We then checked into Curry Village, and during this heat wave of almost 100 degrees, we pulled our bags to our canvas tent rooms for the next two nights.  So as trip planner, you have alot riding on you, and also get all the feedback.  You also planned this 12 months prior not realizing a crazy heat wave was going to hit out west at the time of your journey.  But with minor complaining, we all huddled into our tent...with one light bulb as our sole source of electricity.  Haha, I remember grandaddy asking if we would need our sleeping bags as it is supposed to get cold in the valley even during the summer.  I thought it would be warm, but not as warm as it was.  But it was fun. Like the Grand Canyon lodge, once you get over the whole lack of AC, you realize the adventure ahead.  But I was also a little lost and uncertain about what in the world are we supposed to do...walk...hike...and after starting on a hike, I called an audible, which was a good call, we decided instead to tour around in the van (which had AC).  And this was great, as we were able to visit the Hotel Ahwahnee, and hear Ruby ask "Why did we not stay in this place?"  :)  Then able to see a bear from the comforts of the van (which has AC).  Then find out where I wanted to park when we went to the visitor center the following day.  Then a chance to get our feet wet in the river near what used to be a swinging bridge, but now is just a regular bridge that is still called the swinging bridge.  

Back at the village, we knew we wanted to delay getting in those tents, so our supper was the only place open, a pizza place at the village center.  The Curry village was really great tho, it had two food places, a coffee place, and a small grocery store basically.  The pizza place was good, but again, we got in a long line for the pizza.  Our tents were side by side, and right beside the bathroom facilities.  Which was good, but granny, granddaddy and Sam's tent also had the water spicket outside, so they heard that alot each night.  We also had the sound machine on battery power so it died on this first night.  The kids did each have their own bed in the tents, so another positive.  If you look closely below, you will see alot of smiles below, which makes me happy.  I also noticed something else...I don't remember holding Ruby on my shoulders during this trip, but I know I saw her riding on two big brothers shoulders often.  Her legs "are just too tired", but I guess so are mine, so I am glad those boys like to help their little sister.  And while my Belley-boo is getting bigger, she was my good buddy through this trip.  There is a pic below with my arm around her, but what I remember more is me resting here or there, and her arm coming up from behind and wrapping around my neck.  Not much is said often, just two curly heads that kinda like each other.  

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