Monday, June 28, 2021

Our Journey West...Day 11 - Drive to Moab

 Another cool morning to wake up in the Yosemite valley, but time to pack up again, and start heading back home.  This was the last drive that I was dreading as we had to get to Moab, UT where we would be losing an hour, and driving about 13 hours.  So off we went, and while we thought we had been through stretches of roads with nothing on it...Davis will tell you this was easily his worst day, because there were places of 100 miles with no pit stops.  Davis had to go to the restroom, so I would tell him next town, only to get there, and it be two buildings that both looked like they were about to fall down, so we would try to go a bit further...then we had to pull over on the side of the road to allow for this truck and wide load to pass.  Davis found a bush as this extended stop.  

We did find an A&W root beer restaurant at apparently the one intersection in Nevada, Tonopah.  With a casino next door, it was a great place to rest.  We actually were there when it opened, so the first customers for the day.  It was the kids first experience of an A&W, but not much to write about except perhaps one paragraph on a blog day with little pictures.  I did get an amazing root beer float.  I do remember Ruby whispering in my ear..."We can drink root beer, right?"

It was a crazy long drive again today, and we passed another fun round of roller coaster hills with giggly girls.  And the laughs help me as the driver know all is good with the world.  I love each of the little laughs from behind me.  Ruby has a high pitched cackle, that when it comes out, it bursts out like confetti infecting everyone around.  Belle's laugh does not come as often, but it comes out a little lower in pitch, with a woody woodpecker (the laugh part at the end) machine gun burst of hahahahaha.  I don't hear Davis often, but see his laugh more, his whole face is laughing making it almost look like he is hurting, and very little sound coming out.  And while Sam was not riding with us this day, I know his is like a wheeze laugh, where he is sucking all the air in around him.  The noise doesn't really come forth, but you hear it as the laugh travels inwards, perhaps a teenager way to not let anyone know the laughter he is hiding in his head.  And Magan, if you didn't know her, you would say it was fake, but it just comes out as a few giant HAs...HA....HA.  As for me, I just smile, except for when I think about that blonde lady taking a pano picture, and it slips out in a small giggle...unnoticeable to most, but Magan will glance over and ask "What is so funny"?  Then I tell her, so I can hear it again...HA....HA....HA.  

The drive was horribly long on this day, but at the end when we hit I70 near Moab, it was like driving through a national park on the Interstate.  It was crazy at one point, like we were driving down into the grand canyon.  Magan texted Sam...This is better than the grand canyon.  Well, that may be over the top, but we did realize later that the whole state of Utah should probably be a National Park.  We found our home in Moab that night.  Yes, we had AC.  We had 3 bathrooms.  We had washer/dryer immediately put to use.  And we had no plans for early the next morning.  

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