Monday, June 21, 2021

Our Journey West...Day 4 - Drive to San Diego

It was what would be a continual early morning drive for us again, but it was so nice to wake up, walk out to the canyon and say our goodbyes.  While it was still hot, the boys had managed to get the windows open more, and did not have near as bad of a night as the previous night.  Haha, they also sent me the picture of the sink that was in the middle of their room.  Don't understand that, but they were both thankful for a place to brush teeth, while the other was in the bathroom.  I think this was our first time getting them their own hotel room.  And while you do not need any more than one day at the Grand Canyon, leaving it is still sad for some reason.  Those canyon walls are  unbelievable, and pictures below or previously just can't capture being there and taking it all in.  This was also Granddaddy's birthday, so the kids made him a card and gave it to him.  

Leaving on this day was nice on the road, as the plan was to be in San Diego before the sun went down.  We stopped at the first city outside of the Canyon park, and had some McDonalds. Grandaddy went to get some ice and waters (We later let him know that this was the only reason we survived the trip as he made sure we had waters and ice...I did not plan well for those things required for life).  But he saw our black van go past him, and thought it had been stolen...but no, just Magan going to Starbucks.  Our first adventure came on a small middle of nowhere road somewhere along the line of Arizona and California.  On this road, we felt the temperature of 116 degrees, and saw gas for the first time at the $4.99 mark.  This road was our first roller coaster bouncy hill road, and took us through alot of nowhere.  At the only gas station for miles, we stood in the bathroom line wrapped around the store.  Then after that store, we had like 12 trucks pass us like we were standing still, I have already mentioned my slow driving, but these guys were passing granddaddy, me, then two others in front of me at the same time.  

And we finally made it to our first stop of the Joshua Tree National Park.  I think Granddaddy wanted to drive through it, but I really just wanted to checkbox it off and get Ruby another badge, so we hit the visitor center 10 miles (wow, it was an extremely boring long 10 miles) off of the interstate.  We looked all over for the Joshua Tree, and saw many things that might be a Joshua Tree, but later we learned from the park ranger that the closest Joshua Tree was about 1 hour north.  So...we did get the badge for the girls, we worked on it very quickly, and were a little burned by the ranger as she decided to give the girls a test of their quick work in the books She asked about wildlife that we saw...Belle quickly answered that we saw the dead turtle displayed in the visitor center (that's my girl)...then asked our plans for the rest of our Joshua Tree trip..."Oh, we are about to leave".  Then "Well, what did you learn in Joshua Tree National Park?" ... Oh man, I could not even help them with some hints as I had no idea, but Davis helped us slightly with "That the closest Joshua Tree is 1 hour away, and we are NOT going to see one" (That's my boy).  OK, we got our badges.  Done, Let's get out of this 115 degree heat!

We also had an interesting picture at this national park sign.  We had some props of a cooler, a bible, and another phone propping up the one phone with a self timer.  Then after getting everything set, and the timer got down to 3, 2...Magan wrote this as "the breath of God blew the Bible open to knock the phone over".  Anyway, we got it on the second try, turning it over and placing the New Testament on top.  This place also extremely confused the family as they continued to talk about the Joseph Tree, then the Jacob Tree...I did not hear Josiah or Isaac Tree, but apparently as hard as they are to find in this park, the elusive Joshua Tree is just as difficult to say.  

We departed from Granny and Granddaddy here at the visitor center...actually they departed from us, probably excited to go a little faster.  They went to stay in Escondido with Tanya and Joe, while our hotel was downtown on the bay in San Diego.  And then we were in San Diego.  And the pictures below reflect the sheer joy from the girls as they screamed about having A.C., "and we have a TV!!".  Sam and Davis found that we had Wifi.  So they were all a little excited about a little more comfort at the San Diego Embassy Suites.  We could even look out the window to see the Midway Carrier museum we would tour the following day!  And it even had a pool, and while I rested/slept then ordered pizza, they went down to check out the pool.  I did get some notes, but perhaps they will remember the stories based on these notes.  Marco Polo in the pool and the guy with a beard screaming like a girl.  A teenage boy with limited upper body strength making his dad drag him out of the pool just in time for him to jump back in.  Don't ask me...I just copied what was written.  

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