Friday, June 18, 2021

Our Journey West...The Numbers

So the numbers...We drove 5647 miles on our journey through 14 states (Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama).  Davis collected the license tags where we found 49 of 50 tags (Only missing Delaware but we were told that the two families living there were not planning on going out of state this summer).  

We visited 9 National Parks (Painted Desert, Grand Canyon, Joshua Tree, Sequoia, Kings Canyon, Yosemite, Canyonlands, Arches, and the Gateway Arch), and 1 National Monument (Cabrillo).  We saw gas as low as $2.69 and as high as $4.99.  We felt temperatures in the Arizona desert of 116 degrees, and felt temperatures of 58 degrees at one point climbing into the Rocky Mountains.  

Our Journey West including 18 total day of driving and sight seeing, visiting a total of 10 hotels that ranged from highrise downtown San Diego Embassy Suites to one room Yosemite canvas tents, from last century lodges built on the rim of the Grand Canyon to fully furnished 3 bedroom home in Moab UT.  

Two new ballfields, one flat tire, two nights of puking, more paninis that we could count, one cracker barrel visit, 4 swimming pool visits, 2 river swims, 1 day of Pacific Ocean toe dipping...and so many blogs that worry me that I will never be finished writing.  And since we are talking numbers, the blog count for this trip will be a total of 21...Oh well, one down, 20 to go.  

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