Friday, January 28, 2022

Career Day

Career day is the best, and we have not been able to do this since 2020.  So Magan and I jumped on the list and scheduled to present together.  It was so much fun, I think we both have our routines down, and we could probably switch roles if we wanted to.  

I get the kids laughing with the snap circuits always "accidentally" letting the fan spin up high in the classroom.  Then bring out my magic bag of protons (marshmallows) that "vanish" from my hands showing they are invisible to the eye making some of the kids eyes get real big.  Squishing them together to show Oxygen, and making my body into a Uranium molecule that breaks apart to release the energy.  I love doing this, and love getting to come be in Ruby's class for at least a few moments.  One little boy made my day when he said "Wow, you are as funny as my dad".  

Magan also killed it with her presentation.  She has them all laughing at the funny pictures on her slide show, but then aaahhhing and ooohing at the cute babies in her slide show.  They always have fun guessing her different jobs she has worked in.   But when she brings out the happy bag, with all the toys she uses to make kids smile, they love it.  And if any are not laughing at first, they always are when she brings out the whoopie cushion.  Ruby sat on it to give it a little toot.  And I know that Magan's day was made when one little boy said "You remind me of my pre-school teacher.  I really liked her".  

And in hindsight, we both wished we would have gotten a picture with Ruby, but it appears that we both missed that opportunity.  But we both remember her hugs when we came in the room...and the bonus hugs from so many other friends as we tried to leave.  


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