Tuesday, January 11, 2022

DISNEY Day 11 - Hollywood Studios

On our first day at Hollywood Studios we were unable to ride the signature Toy Story Land ride that is the Slinky Dog Dash.  So our first order of business (of course after riding ToT and Rockin Roller Coaster) on this day was to knock that ride off our list.  And wow, what a line for this ride.  We all laughed because we basically waited in a long line, just to get into the main line.  And about 70 minutes later we were on the ride.  But as you can see below, we had fun with the guessing game, and each took turns trying to see how many points they could get.  I think I was kicked out of the game, as I would just use the word exactly as written to see if they would just say it.  Then I ended up with the most points, but only because I would guess incorrectly and mark it as correct.  Anyway, I am not good in lines, but I am happy to say that my family does really well, and for the most part had some really good bonding time with one another.  All 4 of them would end up pairing up in different groups at different times, becoming better friends.  Me, I like to watch the line move, I like to see how long it gets to the next turn, but I really loved watching them interact together.  

Afterwards we made our way back to the Indiana Jones Spectacular, this time one of the first ones in line, so we knew we would get in.  But as we got in line, we first got what was probably the kids, and I know Magan's favorite dessert...the funnel cake with ice cream and strawberries.  And this dessert was only $8.  Funny to me, but to no one else, at the discovery of how amazing this dessert was for the price of $8, I said "Don't tell Chapek, he'll mark it up to $10".  Yeah, no laughs...but in hindsight, it is 1 month from these events as I write, and I bet it is up to $10 by now.  

And it was I believe waiting in line to go in for this show, that Davis made the decision..."Hey dad, I want to get a lightsaber".  Then he told me how expensive the Savi's workshop was, and seeing the look in my eye, informed me that he would be paying the bulk of it past his souvenir money.  I reminded him of the banshee from Animal Kingdom that sits in a box in his closet, but this was different.  Then he started explaining the kyber crystals, and legends of each type of blade.  He then started talking about colors, and each jedi's choice.  As a dad, I was thinking, woah, my kid knows way too much about this stuff, is he going to be living in our basement for the rest of his life?   And as I was thinking this, he was still talking, so I made sure to use a nod every once and awhile.  But he had made up his mind, and we decided to check into it when we got to Star Wars land.  Davis...if you are reading this, you are a big dork...but your dad once could tell you the stats on almost every player that had a 1988 topps baseball card.  I love you buddy, and whatever beach you are currently near by, please call me up...and let's talk about some light sabers.  

After a fun new show at Indiana Jones (I was so ready to volunteer, and I was close, I would have gotten picked again, I know it...but they have no volunteers right now due to COVID), we made our way over to Galaxy's Edge for our first time in the daylight.  We felt the force, we saw Rey, we saw Chewbacca, and we found out that if you want a light saber, you were supposed to sign up for Savi's workshop at least one month prior.   Ugh...but there is a waitlist, if an opening comes up, you have to be there within 20 minutes, and you can get a spot.  We put our name on the list, but I also started looking for reservations we might could fit in our last two day.  I did find a reservation for that Saturday later in the week, but it was first thing in the morning.  A pain to keep up with the light saber all day in the parks, but I signed him up.  

Toy Story for lunch where we had Grilled Cheese with pork that was amazing.  Such good food at the quick service.  I am pretty sure those 4 sandwiches among us 6 were not enough, but all were happy to get what we got.  I wonder often how Sam and Davis destroy me at all games such as toy story mania, but then after Davis tells me about all the youtube videos they watch with the tips and tricks, I realize I will never be able to compete.  (Davis beat me today on Wordl, how did you do that?  He responds...Oh, here are the 3 best words to begin with, and here is how you can best create the word with the remaining letters, and oh, can you believe how much harder it has gotten since New York Times bought it...WHAT?  Who are you?  Where did my little boys go?) .  I felt good that I had like 123K points, Sam had 132, Davis 135, Mom 96, Ruby 40, and Belle 72.  Then later in the week, I found out i only got that many points because I was with Mom...When head to head against either Sam OR Dave, it was just ridiculous.  

So, it was getting later in the day, we decided to go back over to hit our favorite rides down sunset.  We first hit Rockin Roller Coaster (guys, do you remember those cream cheese pretzels!!  OR "I've got an idea, how bout some back stage passes"), then popped into line for Tower of Terror.  With the lightning lane messing up my perception of time, and this line being wrapped around in different places, and the rest of the family fed up with my complaining about the line, I think everyone was happy when I left them go wait.  Oh well, they later told me the line went super fast after I left, and they talked over and over about how many ups and downs the elevator went on this ride...and how amazing it was at night looking out the windows.  Magan said she felt little Ruby's leg and it was just quivering on that ride the whole time.  Ehhh...I can't say I have ever been a big fan of this ride, and I had an errand.  I had to go transfer one of my magic bands to Magan because she had lost hers the previous day.  And only guest relations can make that switch.  I also just got to sit and enjoy the park.  I did look in all the stores, but they did not have my size for that janitor 50th anniversary shirt...I didn't really want it anyway.  

And then I got a text...Savi's workshop is available for Davis to get his light saber.  I quickly pulled the family together after the ToT ride, to get the family pic below with the ToT behind us.  Then we made our plan.  I would go with Davis to Savi's workshop.  I don't know how long it will take, but you guys can ride Star Tours and make your way to Galaxy's edge.  Me and Davis have to go, NOW.  Disney wants more of our money, and they want it NOW.  Davis was bouncing, and my knee was almost completely back to normal.  And Savi's workshop was pricey, but the experience was really very unique and cool.  Davis got to select his blade style "Defense and Protection".   Then inside, he selected the green kyber crystal.  I was good with any decision, save red...no boy of mine ever gonna be a sith.  It was fun to watch him and his Disney magic moment.  I captured the picture as he rose his blade as part of the Jedi.  I must admit, I geeked out right with Davis during this experience.  Really was neat.  Afterwards we immediately went to get some cool photopass pics, he even let me in with the walmart version blade.  

While we were in Savi's making light sabers, Belle and Sam were riding Star Tours over and over.  They said no one was in line to where the cast member just told them to pick whatever seat they want.  Of course front row.  I think they ended up seeing most of the combinations available.  Belle also finally got some popcorn that she kept asking for on the trip.  And our timing worked out perfectly so that we came out of Savis and all back together right at park closing, but with enough time to get into the Rise of the Resistance line.  And what a perfect way to end this great day...we just sped thru the line, no one was left...until the ride broke down...Oh well, we had no where to go...so we just sat down and waited in that one spot pictured below for 30 minutes.  Then game time and on to the ride.  Amazing Ride!

So with the ride breakdown, this was a very late night, but we already planned to sleep in the next morning.  But I still remember my very funny Belle telling everyone when we got home "Nobody better make any mac and cheese when we get home".  Haha...I don't think I wrote about that earlier in the week.  I do think I mentioned my irritability at night and wanting everyone to get in bed, but I was sleepy and cranky one night, and when I found belle cooking mac and cheese at 10:30 at night, I went into a tirade about how "we don't make mac and cheese at 10:30.  Are you crazy?"   My speech went on long, and was later just shortened to what I have in quotes, as the kids...mainly Belle randomly pick on me by quoting their irritable dad.  Haha...it is funny, but Belle in her slightly Dad voice is the funniest.  

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