Friday, January 7, 2022

DISNEY Day 7 - Last Day to Relax

 And one last day of relaxation at the house before we go on our whirlwind 9 consecutive day park visits, and I was needing this day for my knee.  It was still sore from our previous day at Hollywood Studios.  I had in mind that we would be home from the parks each day around 7 or 8, remembering the times when kids were smaller, and actually got tired.  But those days are apparently no more, we can open a park and we can close one.  

Again you see Sam outside doing some work on the computer, as I think by this time everyone else had completed their work.  But Davis pushed himself pretty hard to finish up on this day, while Sam said, ehhh, I can get it finished over the weekend.  This day was loud at back as our neighbors cranked up the Mexican mariachi music super loud.  One of the kids said they felt we were in Habaneros restaurant all day.  Lots of swimming.  It was a fun day for the family.  For some reason we all were fixated on our neighbors car...a Tesla.  He never left very often, but when he did, another guy with a Kia Soul showed up.  To us, he was just Tesla guy.  We all watched "Father of the Bride" together, or I think they did, I was still trying to actually work.  And that is not a cool movie to watch for an emotional dad with two little girls.  I swear, there is going to be some ugly crying one day at a wedding, so hopefully people will not be laughing to hard at this father of the bride.  Such a good movie tho.  We all loved Martin Short's character, and periodically you would hear "HALOOOO" as we imitated Francke Egglehoffer for the rest of the trip.

We were all excited to go to Bob Evans for dinner that evening, as this is the first location that Magan and I had ever visited Bob Evans, and we fell in love with their food.  Yeah, it is basically just another Cracker Barrell, but it is a fun place to visit.  Well, you will not be visiting the one on Hwy 192 near Disney, as that place was a ghost town.  We then drove to Perkins, which was also closed, and then I found what I knew everyone would like...Chedders.  No one had been to Chedders in the family except me, but all left that evening with bellies full, and a new favorite restaurant.  I also grabbed a picture while in the Walgreens on this day...the doors to the cold food had these changing screens on them showing you everything inside that door.  OK, that is really pretty cool.    

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