Friday, January 14, 2022

DISNEY Day 14 - Hollywood Studios

We are starting to wear out.  I saw that Mom only took 5 pictures on this day, so we are getting drained.  But here we were again on a third day at Hollywood Studios, and wouldn't you know it, we got the parking space right on the very end again.  Such good luck.  How could it not hold up?  Hahaha...That luck did not hold up very long, as our first ride on this day was the Tower of Terror.  80 minute posted wait, but we were in no hurry, with really no plans on this day other than our lunch at the PrimeTime Cafe.  

I think I have already mentioned that I dislike this line in Tower of Terror, and that was even before this day.  The line just gets lost in a sea of hedges going around and around hoping to see the hotel around the corner, but only to be wrapped back and away.  Periodically we would get a glimpse of the Lightning Lane and slowly utter curses (Hogwarts like curses, altho they may have been ones usually only Slytherin would use)  at those people and their extra money for front of the ride access.  We knew it was not looking good when at 80 minutes, we were still in the hedges, yet now we had committed.  So on we stayed.  I did forget to mention the little bunny that was Ruby's best friend in the pics below.  She purchased it yesterday in China during our food tour.  And it kept her spirits for awhile, but we were all struggling as we finally got to the hotel at about 2 hours in, but still the lightning lane poured in as our line went forward 2 or 3 people at a time.  Belle did find another little girl at the hotel that had one of her disney princess shoe I was coerced into reaching out to other girls dad to arrange a trade.  Fortunately, both girls had a good trade, and Belle had a big grin for adding another to her collection.  And we finally got on the ride at 2 hours and 45 minutes.  Easily the longest line we had the whole trip.  We found out once inside that one of the sets of elevators had shut down, so they were basically at half capacity...with nothing limiting those lightning laners taking up almost all of the half capacity left.

Next we had one of out better meals at the Prime Time Cafe.  And yes, we ate all of our vegetables.  Sam even got a sticker that said so.  And Magan gave me the guilt trip as we were ordering reminding the kids about those cups Granddaddy got them that had the glowing ice of course we got two for Anabelle and Ruby...then looking at my big kid Davis...we made it three Mickey's bee-bop drinks (delicious cherry-flavored Sprite with Dad's Glowing Electric Ice Cubes served in a souvenir cup).  

We went back to visit Galaxy's edge with no plans to get in any of the crazy long lines till closing time, but got to see Chewbacca and random blue haired lady.  Davis bought some new kyber crystals for his light saber (He is seriously over his souvenir budget, and racking up a good tab for his savings).  Then found Toy Story Mania with a 30 minute line even tho it was posted longer.  I think Sam looked at the outside portion of the line and saw it completely empty and said "we gotta get in this line right now".  And we did.  

After one last ride of Rockin Roller Coaster (Ruby loves loves this ride...and thought it was so funny that Sam and Davis picked her up and made a seat for her thru their locked arms while in line for the coaster...see pic below), we took a break yet again for one of those magical funnel cakes with ice cream and strawberries.  Yummie.  And Ruby had the biggest grin when I got her own cheese pizza because she was hungry.  Ha, one of the rare times in this trip where something wasn't shared 6 ways.  Sam and Davis actually ran across the park to get the funnel cake and the Minnie Mouse coke for granddad.  I asked where the coke was tho when they got back.  Davis was like..."Do you know how far we went for that? We drank it on the way back".  So we sat near tower of terror for a small snack.  

Then we polled everyone for what they wanted to do last.  Sam and Davis wanted to ride Tower of Terror, and the girls wanted to ride slinky dog dash.  So back into lines we went for our last ride of the night with these long lines.  But the slinky dog line was moving faster than expected, and I realized that we were going to have a small 15 minute window before close after this ride.  The boys and I were texting and they had a similar window.  So an audible was called, and our plan was to meet up at the Millennium Falcon after everyone's final ride, because Belle wanted to join Sam and Davis for that ride.   Me and Mom and Ruby knew where the better ride was, so our plan was to head for Rise of the Resistance.  

The Slinky Dog ride was MUCH better at night with all the lights.  But as soon as it was finished, we jumped off and headed towards Galaxy's Edge.  We were doing that super fast walk, because you are not supposed to run.  Belle directly in front of me, and Mom and Ruby...Where is Mom and Ruby?  I turned around to see random strangers.  then hollared for Belle to hold up.  And kept looking back till I saw way back at slinky Dog mom waving her hands at me.  So back we went to mom, and found Ruby finishing up puking in the bushes.  Then Ruby looked at us and said she was ready.   Haha, lots of drainage on this trip, and that leads Ruby to random puking events.  But we still had time, as we moved on to Star Wars.  I told Magan and Ruby to go on to Rise of the Resistance..."If I am late, get in the line.  Just leave me behind, it will be ok".  Then took Belle and waited at the Falcon entrance for the boys.  And waited and waited.  The boys got there at 8:55PM, so I quickly turned Belle over to their care and headed towards mom and ruby with 5 minutes to spare.  It was dark in Galaxy's edge, and this section is new to I thought I was almost there, when I saw Toy Story Land...I HAD GONE THE WRONG WAY!!!  Turning quickly, I took my fast walk to a medium paced jog (remember, I still had to be careful with bad knee), and caught Mom and Ruby at 8:58PM with 2 minutes to spare...we were in the line.  BOO YAH.  Magan said that her and Ruby had talked it over , and had no plans to wait for me, if i didn't make it.   haha...I would not have expected them to.  

What a crazy end to another fun day.  The best part was that our ride on Rise of the Resistance was a different path than our first two rides.  My mind is already blown at how awesome this experience is, but when the ride was a completely different perspective on this last ride...Wow, best ride at Disney!  Another late night, so our plan was to sleep in the next morning.  Plus no trip is a Junkin trip without getting a prescription filled.  So with all the drainage (yeah, seriously, we weren't even thinking COVID, no fever), Davis' cough had gotten really bad.  Plans to get some medicine in the morning.  But got him the good cough medicine also to help.  


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