Monday, January 3, 2022

DISNEY Day 3 - Relaxing and Chilling

 We woke up on this morning as our first day to actually have to get to work and school.  Ha, Sam and Davis don't do well in the same bed.  I think this may have been the last night before Sam moved into the Living Room to have the pull out sofa to himself.  Although that had its disadvantages as well, because I was up at 5:45 on the computer working.  But on this morning we started seeing all the posts and pictures of the snow falling in Chelsea.  When Ruby heard this news, she was so sad that she had missed the snow.  But in the midst of her sadness, I could not contain the smile that widened my face from ear to ear.  Magan later said that I was beaming with joy.  The kids know my saying so well, they often repeat it to us..."You know kids, when you guys are out of the house, in January and February, we will be in Florida".  Alabama is too cold for me.  And this week just proved it once more, in a time where I saw pictures of horrid snow across alabama, crazy people posting about how happy they were that their kids got to play in the snow, and smiles on faces that I knew must be fake or at least must have just frozen that way as they were thinking about being in Florida in the warm sun...then I looked out the back door into 80 degrees, to kids playing in the pool, and I knew this was home.  

I think everyone made it into the pool on this day, except for Mom, who needs a hot tub for it to be warm enough for her.  But the pool was heated, so for me and the kids, it was like a large hot tub.  We did struggle with a safety feature in Orlando homes, an alarm on the sliding back door.  The alarm would go off if you did not press the button before opening it...or if you left the door open for too long...a safety feature to let people know if a young child had gone out the door (the push button was up high).  So as one working very near to this door, it was a little annoying as everyone kept forgetting to press the button.  But guess who took the longest to finally figure this button out?   Yes, MOM!  I think she finally started remembering when she got annoyed at all of us yelling MOM!! every time she forgot and the alarm went off.  

We also learned more of Magan's star wars savviness later this day when she texted Sam and Davis about wanting to watch star wars and she referred to characters BoBo Phat and Barth Carter.  So Barth Carter was an obvious iphone correction for Darth Vader, but she continued to talk about the new BoBo Phat tv show that we wanted to start watching.  It's Boba Fett mom..."No I think I hear it as Bobo Phat".   Oh well.  We did have some awesome Chicago Style pizza that evening...and the kids will remember that the cheese pizza didn't seem cooked all the way.  We ate it anyway.  And we all sat together to watch the Harry Potter Reunion that evening, but I think Magan and I were the only ones that really liked it.  

Earlier that day in the pool, I remember Ruby just giggling over and over again...and an infectious giggle that just pulled me into the pool with her.  And we raced each other across our "giant" pool.  But then Mom kept videoing us, so we had to cover our faces.  The kids know that dad takes pictures, mom is always taking video...and why does her phone fill up so fast?  Sam came out and played in the pool on this day too.  But I think it was just me, Sam, and Ruby that saw the squirrel run across the netting right above us, down the door, and up a nearby tree.  That squirrel was just "nuts".  And from the pics below, I think Sam and Davis had a little more school work than Ruby and Belle.  

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