Monday, January 17, 2022

DISNEY Day 17 - Packing Up and Going Home

And so began the long drive home.  Packed to the top of the van as usual, Magan did great with the food she bought for us, but we still had some snacks/food/toiletries shoved all over the van.  We said our goodbyes to our Florida home, bringing back with us also all the memories we could get loaded.  Perhaps a few got left, but I think we brought all the highlights with us.

By the time we were back in Alabama, the temperature was down to 41.  Yeah, I love living in the North.  Ugh.  Our drive home brought us back to Confederate Flags, and trucks stacked way to high with pallets.  Our journey including a sleeping mom, that started talking in her sleep a few times.  

We listened to quite a bit of Jim Gaffigan on Pandora.  And even tho we have heard some of those stories many many times, they are still so funny.  The bit that cracked us all up on that journey home tho was from Kathleen Madigan talking about her mom giving her a pill from her stash.  "Oh no, what color was that one that I gave you Kathy"..."I don't know, I didn't think I had to question when my mom gives me medicine".  So funny.  

The kids brought back their Pirate Adventure maps...and when they completed them all, they got the special note from Jack Sparrow below.  There was also a pin trading event when we got home, and display of all the ones together making a complete collection.  Mom finally got her Christmas present that I had ordered, but it was late being shipped.  Sam got to try out his new car.  

And my favorite story of that night was Ruby bringing me a bracelet she had in her room from Thanksgiving.  It was made of string and paper, and had pictures she had colored of the lives of the pilgrims that came over on the Mayflower.  In seeing one picture of them in the snow, where it appeared they had not survived I said "Oh, I didn't know that the many pilgrims died during the winter".  "Yeah, Dad, they showed that in the EPCOT show.  You would have known that if you were awake".  

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