Sunday, January 16, 2022

DISNEY Day 16 - Hollywood Studios

I hated to get the ponchos out, as they never really go back into the bag like you want them to.  But on this last day of Disney, they finally came out.  With some pretty heavy rain, we were up and ready to go for the opening of Hollywood Studios, but none of us wanted to go out in the we waited till there was a little break that got us to the park around 10:15, and I forked out the extra cash to get Priority Parking...I did not want to walk far when we left either.  So my plan to avoid the ponchos worked for a little while, we jumped out of the car and ran to a ticket booth area and waited under an overhang, then over to the entrance stiles where we were covered.  Then we made our way thru the stores almost all of the way down sunset boulevard.  Then a break in the rain took us directly to the line of Rockin Rollercoaster, where it started to come down, and we finally got the ponchos out.  And a couple of pictures to prove that we needed them.  Then after the ride, we never had to use them again.  I knew it!  We hit our two favorite rides first as we did every hollywood morning, then took some last strolls through the park.

I had to have a Wookie Cookie or two before we left on this day, as they were so good.  This time we picked up some green and blue milk to go with them from Galaxy's edge.  It was sad to finally leave, but that is what we finally did.  And we drove to our new favorite chain of Chedders for supper.  

Here, while waiting for our food, we started through these notes that I have used for the blogs.  We remembered all the fun stuff that had happened.  We picked on each other again for random things.  Davis laughed that after the 10:30PM mac and cheese dad moment, that he felt bad that Anabelle's mac and cheese was not he ate it.  I was probably asleep by then, but "You don't eat mac and cheese at 10:30 at night.  Are you crazy" came up again at our house last night...Maybe the kids can put that on a t-shirt for me one day.  And Magan at this point in Chedders was a little loopy.  It happens occasionally when she is really tired, so we all laughed at mom who was in her sleepy spacey giggly mode.  

What was our anthem of this vacation?  It was Encanto.  Every morning of every day, it was playing in the van.  And what song of that movie was our family song?  Not Bruno...but "Surface Pressure".  I was driving and focused on the road, but there was never a morning when they weren't all watching Louisa on Magan's phone, all singing together in her deep voice "It keeps Growing, Growing, Growing".  Davis may have been the only one wanting it turned off...but I think it was all a big act...he liked it just as much as the rest of us.  

So what were your favorite rides?  Belle:  Slinky dog at night, Splash Mountain.  Davis:  Tower of Terror, Rockin Rollercoaster.  Sam:  Space Mountain and Tower of Terror.  Ruby:  Rockin Rollercoaster and Rise of the Resistance.  Mom:  Soarin and Tower of Terror.  Dad:  Rise of the Resistance and Avatar.

Back at our condo for the last night.  We all sat and watched Monsters University together.  I also remember just sitting at the top of the stairs with my sweet girl Ruby.  Sharing some memories before she had to go to bed.  Treasured moments, and we would bring home a chest full.  


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