Sunday, July 17, 2022

Double Brother

 A wonderful and amazing morning, began with the girls not feeling well, and me heading to church with the boys only.  But Magan was already thinking of lunch, with plans to have Habeneros meal ready as soon as church was complete.  It is all in the timing, so she knew to order to have it ready when we got out.  After bible study, Davis pulled me to the side, and said "Dad, I am going to be baptized this morning".  After a big hug, telling him how happy and proud I was...we both thought..."We have to get mom here".  So I immediately called Magan, and said "Leave the kids, and get here as quickly as you can, Davis is going to be baptized."  

So now we have her coming, I know that I have to be on a plane later this afternoon for Baltimore, so I no longer have time for Habeneros...haha...this is life, so my next text to Magan was...forget Habeneros, we will just pick something up on way home.   Then the service began, and we had to hope mom would get there on time.   Halfway through, I started thinking maybe she would take to look to get ready, but then she texted...Took Lords Supper, Driving Now.  Which sounds like it could be a country song.  But anyway she made it to the church and sat down beside me.  

Then our preacher Terry thru a curve ball, and instead of a normal "if you have any need, please come forward while we stand and sing", we did a "Let's all face one another and sing to the middle of the room".  I saw Davis' look of confusion, and he had no idea what this non-traditional preacher was trying to do.  But as we finished the song, I caught Terry's eye, and gave him the head nod of something is about to happen...then looked at Davis and gave him the nod that you are the something.   And there he went.  Surrounded on the front row by the elders and Eric Pruitt, he truly has so many mentors at this church, and all have helped him get to this decision.   

He told me later that he had been working in the workbook that helps prepare kids for making this step, and he knew he was ready.  Terry said that he had been asking him some questions at florida college camp that made him start thinking about things.  Perfect morning, I think Magan even got Habeneros. Praise God!  These kids do lots of things to make me proud, but none like this day.    Davis lifted Sam up when they embraced, and I heard later that Sam told him "Now you are my double brother".  

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