Saturday, July 2, 2022

Return to the Big Kaboom

The Big Kaboom was a regular for our family, and a really fun activity for the community of Chelsea.   But in 2020, we stayed away due to COVID (even though Chelsea still had it like a boss), then in 2021, we were on the big trip out west.   So on this day, the whole family was back in town, and we went back to the Big Kaboom.  Our church had a tent to share a little about who we were, and it did pretty well with a steady stream of folks coming by the booth to at least gather some Chelsea church swag.  I brought our bible drill bibles and bible period cards, and it worked well to show some folks and some kids the fun activities we do.  Crazily one hispanic family came by, and while the kids spoke English, the mother did not, so I got to try some of my broken Honduras spanish with her on how we use the bible story cards.  Wow, it was hot on this day, and from about 4PM to 6:30PM, it was miserably hot.   Luckily after that, we got a little shade for the remainder of the night.   

Davis left pretty early with Lauren and Larkyn to go hang out with Ms. Lisa.  Sam hung in there with us, and we got to visit with the Bakers that came by the tent.  I really never saw the family much till that night as they were all doing face paint or walking around the other tents.  It was a ChickFilA sandwich night for supper, altho Sam picked up a PoBoy from some New Orleans food truck.  I think I really enjoy these events, connecting with folks all around Chelsea.  But I quickly get "peopled out" and really just don't care for fireworks at all.  And loud music, my ears were ringing, and any thoughts of having a normal conversation were just not there.   So there you go, a super fun event for the community, but I am just an old man at heart, and think they need to just turn down that music, and maybe shorten the fireworks to only 2 or 3 minutes.  

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