Thursday, July 21, 2022

Good Morning Baltimore

 I have never been to Baltimore, and was glad to even make it on this evening, where my flight was cancelled, I had to purchase a flight with Delta that was going to arrive in Baltimore at midnight, but caught a stand-by seat in Atlanta that got me in around 9:30 instead.  So, this summer has been a bad time with plane trips for me, but the same ladies at the Delta counter have been super awesome helping me out with both of my trips.  

I stayed right on the harbor in Baltimore with a great view of the harbor out of my window.  I imagine the folks in 1812 had a similar view looking out from the Renaissance hotel out towards the British shelling the fort nearby.  Not much to say, as things are just not as fun without the full gang with me.  No money this year to bring them along.  I saw the science center, which had some amazing food, but not much to see without some little ones pointing at all the cool dinosaurs there.  

On the Thursday before I left, I did get to go out and see some sights with my buddy Robert from TVA.  We did not get to see the Orioles play (they were playing the Yankees on the next night), but we did make it to the baseball stadium and store.   Then we took an Uber ride out to Fort McHenry.   The initial ranger talk about the fort was really good, with some stories of the real reason Francis Scott Key was out there with the British ships, and of Mary Pickersgill that sewed the flag that would be forever memorialized by Key's words.    But some kid kept asking questions, and the ranger took it as his civic duty to respond with additional 5 minute lectures for each question, so I just got up and left, and Me and Robert both laughed as we both had enough information about cannon balls.  Altho we did hear about the one I am pointing at below that busted thru the roof of the garrison, and fortunately did not blow up, just fizzled out inside the building with all the gun powder.   Yikes!  

Leaving the park, we ran into another friend from Dothan, Nick Bryant, so we all rode an Uber back to the hotel together.   And I realized we should have gotten a bigger Uber, because we all had to crowd into the back of a small car for the 15 minute ride.   Haha, and both of them were admittedly heavy sweaters.   

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