Tuesday, July 26, 2022

One Crazy Day of Disc Golf

Me and the boys decided to try a course in Calera that we have never tried before.   And from hole number one, it looked pretty fun, starting off near a playground.  Hole number two started to get sketchy carrying us into the woods, then we starting hearing the sounds of tractors and bulldozers clearing land.   And these sounds got closer and closer, and we started thinking maybe they would be an obstacle soon in the disc golf course.  This course just had some really weird turns, and very tight fairways, that made our mediocre-at-best throws just pitiful.  

Then came the hole with the random muddy creek that was so deep that when I threw mine in there, I just counted it as lost.   But Sam doesn't give up quickly, so he found a stick to push around hoping to hit my frisbee, then I watched both feet slip at the same time, and we went directly into that creek.   And while he was already wet, he dug down and found my frisbee.  

Then came the extremely straight wide open hole where it was fine, as long as you threw it perfectly straight.  Sam and Davis can almost always throw it farther than me, but my little throws kept me fairly safe.   Sam on the other hand, had one that started right, and cut even further right.   Did I mention earlier that he does not give up...and this was his favorite driver, the roadrunner.   He looked and looked, Davis and I came over and we looked and looked...but in that huge pile of grass outside the fairway, it was completely lost.   And the sun was beating down on us, mosquitos were biting the fire out of us...Sam was still looking.   Finally we got him to leave.  

Then was the 1000 foot straight away that Davis just passed out looking at.  It was embarrassing taking that many throws to get to the cage.  I think Sam got a 7 on this one, which was the best of all three.  On one of the last three holes, Davis got one of his caught in a tree, so he climbed the horrible bush/tree and finally got that one.  

Davis carried a large lead for most of the day, but I kept inching back, and took the lead by one going into the final hole.  And there, I missed an easy put banging it into the top ring before it fell to the side of the basket, and Davis came back and tied me there.  Our water was all gone, I think much of our willingness to live had drained out, and overall enjoyment of disc golf was at a low at the end of this crazy long course.  Sam and I put it at a maybe on a cooler day, now that we know the layout better...Davis said he will never go back.   

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