Friday, July 8, 2022

Mommy Daddy Ruby Day

This week with the kids in camp began with a Daddy Daughter day, and ended with one too...but on this day, we included Mom.  We began with a supper at Metro Diner, where Ruby and I shared the chicken and waffles.  It is probably the best chicken I have ever eaten, and Ruby agreed, altho she is not as big of a fan of the special dipping sauce.  Ruby was happy with big smiles to have Mom and Dad all to herself, and she thought this was the surprise that we had told her was coming that day.   Then we did not turn towards the house from the Metro Diner, but instead headed further into Birmingham...and as soon as we turned at the Wendy's she gave a big smile and asked "Are we going to Chuck E Cheese??"

Inside we found that we could either get a 60 token card, or a 60 minute card.   Since we had just one child, and looking to enjoy whatever she wanted to do, we just got the 60 minute card, to let her play whatever she wanted.  This began initially in shock for Ruby, as we had to tell her over and over again, yes, you can play even these silly games that we NEVER have let you play before.   You don't have to only play the games of skill, but you can also just waste your card on anything.  At 60 minutes, you get to do whatever you want.   

After initially forcing her to get the official CEC picture below, off she went bouncing through games racking up tickets on the big wheel of tickets, or the giant plinko game of tickets, and then something happened...and it happened pretty quickly, Magan went crazy.   She realized that she could grab the card and run and play skeeball while Ruby was playing a game.   Then Ruby and I started having to find Magan everytime we needed the card, because she started hogging it.   Ruby was riding the train, smiling and laughing...I told Magan, "Do you remember..."  Hey, where is Magan?   Playing basketball.  Magan was running everywhere with that card.   I saw her playing one ball game where you just press a big button that bounces balls up into a dog's mouth.   Yet, she was fists in the air jumping at winning tickets at the end.  

We later found a game where you could use the claw to win some cheap blow up balls, and Ruby tried and tried, and finally won one.  The claw game is definitely not a typically Junkin approved game, but we let her try and try until she won.  Although I am pretty sure Magan was about ready to push Ruby out of the way because she wanted to try it too.  Seriously, I have never seen Magan so excited at these games (note to self...Do not take Magan to Vegas!).  We ended our 60 minutes riding a 3D movie ride that is actually pretty fun for only taking one token.  Magan rode with her first, then I rode with Ruby.   After getting off our movie, we looked around, again losing mom and the card...and that is when we saw her...or heard her cheering...we rounded the Need for Speed racing game, and saw her...Magan had camped out at the claw pit and won another 3 of the blow up balls.  

How many tickets do you rack up in 60 minutes at CEC...right at about 500, and what did that get our little girl (talking about Ruby here, not Magan...even tho I think Magan was ready to fight Ruby for the tickets)?  She got a cute little CEC chef guy that can attach to her back pack.  She loved it, and it was the perfect little prize to end our fun day.  It was a wonderful day, and I was happy to make two little girls happy with a fun trip to CEC!

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