Monday, July 4, 2022

Ruby Daddy Day

 This is another one of those days that shine bright in my memories, and one I would have loved to Groundhog Day live over and over again.   While all of the other kids were at Florida College camp, I figured me and Ru would go to the zoo on the holiday.  She is funny tho right now, and gets anxious about things like this.   It was actually hard to convince her to even come, but I knew if she could get our the door, we would have a wonderful day.  

We had the full book of new Zoo members coupons with plans to use everything we could on this fun day together.   Our Ruby Daddy days don't happen near like they used to.  So our first step in the zoo was to go in the store, with plans to get her the elephant that she has been wanting for a long time, but again, the elephant was sold our.   Then as we were about to leave, we found a friend who would later be known as "Spotty".  With our next steps to go feed the giraffe, "Spotty" was a perfect friend to purchase and take with us.  

The zoo was fairly empty on July 4th, so we were one of the first ones in, and then one of the 1st ones to feed the giraffes that morning.  We used our free tokens, and both got to feed the giraffes.   They told us their names, but I don't remember, just the big big smiles of a little girl happy to feed them.  We had to keep Spotty outside the fenced area, because maybe those big guys would try to eat him too.  

After the giraffes, we walked around to the cats building, where again, we were the only ones in the building, which was really fun because the coyotes would chase both of us as we ran back and forth along the glass.   Then one of the big cats came up to the glass and wanted us to pet it.   We have never seen these guys so active, but it was really fun.  We made our way over to the elephants, then rode the train, where we got the back seat.   

Our next adventure was with the birds, where again, we had some tokens for nectar.  We went in and Ruby quickly had birds all over here.   She was hilarious, and screaming and giggling at the same time as she got 5 birds on her at the same time.   After feeding them, we left, and she looked at me..."Can we do it again"?  With those beautiful brown eyes and sweetest smile, I would have said yes to pretty much anything, but it was really simple since we had another free token.   And this time, if you count, she got 6 birds on her at the same time!

Well, one last fun activity at the zoo, and one I didn't know if she really wanted to do or not was to play in the water fountains.  All of the kids were much younger, but I told her to just try it, we had towels and extra clothes, so why not.  And while I got us a pizza and coke from the restaurant, she played and played.   Letting the water hit her right in the face, giggle, then give me the thumbs up that she was ok.  It is hard with the kids growing days at the zoo seem to only work for a certain age...but I was so happy to have this day, that we could take our time, and just enjoy some time together.  Spotty the giraffe still has a spot on Ruby's bed now over a month later, but for two weeks after this day, Spotty never left Ruby's side.  

Ruby Ruby Ruby...I love you so much.   And should you ever read this, and if you are available, reach out to your dad, let's go to the zoo together.  My treat.  And if you still want to play in the water fountains...I'll bring some extra clothes too and splash with you.   Love you little girl!

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