Saturday, July 9, 2022

Florida College Camp

This was Anabelle's first year at camp, and our first time traveling over as a family.   The boys made it known that this was craziness, as I think Sam was just planning to drive them there and back, but we have to give hugs and visit the cultish friends at this camp.  We first planned to drop off Belle, who found that when we got there a little later than others, she had to get a spot on the top bunk.  So I let Magan go in with Ruby as me and the boys waited and waited and waited.   Apparently dropping her off also including setting up her bed and getting things ready for the week.   Belle also embarrassingly fell from the top bunk kicking a chair across the room.  So she got some attention immediately.  And we finally were able to leave her getting the family picture below.  She immediately ran off to find Sarah Beth and Linley.  

We saw Colby and Ben before we left, and had some fun chatting with them.  As usual, everyone knows everyone at these events.  We got in a little trouble because we did not check Davis in with his counselor, but I think that was just his counselor trying to be funny.  And Sam just left us, so I think he was there all week.  

I know they all had fun, but apparently one month later, no one could provide me with any stories.   I do know that Sarah Beth was baptized this week, and they got a picture below...great news for our Chelsea church family.  Belle told me that the Card Making class was a letdown, and should would have much better been on the hiking adventure.   If Belle wanted to be on the hiking adventure, then this card making must have been real bad.  I saw the kids jamming out to The Greatest Showman at one point.  I think Arete won the competitions, which did not include any of our kids.   I heard Belle was pretty good at gaga ball, I heard that Hall Hall was very hot, I heard that canoeing was not too adventurous, but that was coming from two boy scouts.  

So another fun week, and the boys will always pick this one over boy scout camp anytime.  Magan and I are already thinking about where we get to go when all 4 are in camp.   

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