Saturday, July 2, 2022

NYLT Scout Camp

It was suggested to Sam that he attend the National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) course for scouting earlier this year when he received his Eagle Award.   So when I saw the online application, he was on board with attending.  Another thing to hopefully help with scholarship applications, but also some fun scouting adventures that he really likes.  This week was more for the older scouts (First Class and above) and something his troop scoutmaster is trying to incorporate earlier for the scouts in troop 354.  Sam will be presenting to the troop later this fall on the opportunities and experiences at this camp.  

Sam had his first long driving experience by himself driving up to spend the night with Colby on the Saturday night prior to camp.  He then attended worship with Colby, before driving over to the camp for the week.  He said it was really fun, but probably something he should have gotten earlier.  Lots of teamwork exercises.  He loved his patrol symbol of the "Mermans" below, and apparently his group was the older guys and they had the whole camp's attention in their cleaning exercises that mimicked a military force going in to clean up.  He said their was also lots and lots of songs.  And he has been asked to come back and teach next year, should he continue scouting into "Venturers", but I don't know what his thoughts are there.   

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