Sunday, July 30, 2023

Around an Empty House in July

Besides an journey out west, and a visit to Atlanta, a week of FC camp, and a visit to the Great Wolf Lodge, what else can we fit into this month.   We had the annual AHG Christmas in July event held at the Weldon pavilion this year, with fewer girls due to a last minute weather change in the day, but still a lot of fun.   Jeremiah's ice cream has become out go-to place, and it is amazing...The sugar cookie with cake batter, cookie butter, and vanilla ice cream mixed with some cookie crumbles is the best, but Ruby likes the just plain strawberry (NOT the passion fruit...Yuck!).   Aunt Melissa taught Ruby a new fun way to sew her cards she sends to people.   We have a lot of visitors (house full of ladies) getting ready for the Great Wolf Lodge (NOT near atlanta, but closer to Columbus I would later realize).   There are some random notes from summer camp that Sam was pretty proud of, and a fun visit from Eli and Stella for a few nights.

Ruby began her Vitiligo treatment, and she is doing great.   We all are trying to help her stay positive, and talk about her becoming the Hulk with her green light treatments.   She is learning to enjoy the frequent times with mom, and getting a dunkin donut after each visit.   She was also the grand champion of "Ticket to Ride" one night, as I was really trying to beat her, but as I added up my score at the end I came up just 10 points short.   I wish we could have a video of her hands pumping in the air and cheers of delight when I added my last points and was still short.   

I included by pictures from Facebook memorys of the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile I have now seen twice, once in 2011, and then earlier this year in 2023.   I thought I had lost that first picture, and could not find it in the blogs because I probably did not use key words such as Oscar Mayer Weinermobile.   Now I have used those words twice, so any random future search of our blog for weiner should pull up these moments.  

And a few pictures this month of a fun summer Sam has had working with Granddaddy.  That job fit Sam well, as he wanted something to earn some money and get out of the house a bit this summer.   Granddad was able to help accommodate the Honduras trip, and outwest trip, and really just all Sam's last summer activities.   Sam came home every day telling me about paint orders, crazy people needing this or that, how much inventory the birmingham store did, the people that don't seem to get any work done, and that grandaddy basically knows the answer to any question ever asked at the store.   It was the perfect job, even is his smother wanted him to just snuggle with her each day throughout this last summer.   He beat me out of the house most mornings, but seemed to always expect me to make the coffee.   Only one morning can I remember him accidentally sleeping in...haha, he jumped up quickly and still beat me to work.   

There are a lot of other pictures below, but those stories are easy to tell, just come find me and I will tell you about spidergirls flying thru the hallway, Barbie movies, or Grandaddy being a tree...if there are others, maybe I will remember, as for now I am tired of writing.   

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