Friday, July 7, 2023

Florida College Camp - The Best Week Ever

We began the "Best Week Ever" with a torrent of rain that made me feel sorry for all the camp counselors and helpers trying to stay dry.   By the time we left, it looked as if most of them had given that idea up, and just getting soaked.   All of the kids do love this camp, and I was glad they could be back here again, even if Sam and Davis would have to leave a day early for our out west adventure.  On this wet day, we decided to divide and conquer, so Magan went off with Belle (Belle wanted out ASAP, as she did NOT want to have a top bunk), and I took the boys to their areas.   

Davis had a room with Eli, so I knew those goofy guys would be alright.   I passed Marcia shortly after dropping Davis off, and said a quick hello thinking we would run into each other again, but that did not happen.   Me and Ruby then took Sam to his room, and since he was a senior, he had the sweet inside quarters, and had a room with a good friend from Helena, Ben.   When I finally made it back to the girls, I learned that Belle had gotten the very last bottom bunk, which made her all smiles.   

I also got to see old friends from Mississippi State (the Greens), and Aaron Craig from Dothan.   Aaron is currently in a competition with a friend on facebook to lose weight, and while Aaron is doing amazing, he also loses to this friend every month, who apparently is doing a little bit better.   But in losing, he has to post random things such as him singing a Taylor Swift song, eating a habanero pepper, and  waxing his leg all wonderfully funny things to watch.   

From there, the memories are gone, because I was not there, so I must rely on the tales passed on to me over the week.   We know that Sam gave an invitation on the first night, but neither Magan nor I knew he was even working on anything.   I heard that Davis liked shooting BB guns and fishing for much of the week, and that somewhere amongst all the pictures taken, there is one of him with a giant 3" fish he caught on one day.   Davis also got one of his crazy faces into the Photography lesson of the day, probably "Here is when you ask for another picture of your subject".   

I heard Sam was quite the lady's man, but he may have also been oblivious of this during the week.   His senior roast was the following..."When it comes to computers I know the codes for love, but when it comes to real girls, I need a little shove"

Belle told me her favorite was Sam's funny Happy Mail he would send to her.   She said that he was also eating with her one day when they found a grasshopper in the green beans they were eating.   She was mad at Sam for not mentioning any of his family in his senior speech.  And she let me know that the tie dye shirt I ordered her was a Youth Large, so it is now Ruby's.   

I picked the boys up on Friday morning of camp week, and Sam was completely out of it.   "'s it going?"   If it had not been a bible camp, I would have seriously thought about a conversation around use of marijuana.   But he said they stayed up till 2 or 3 every morning, then were up around 6 or 7, so he was clearly in sleep deprivation mode.   Just as I found him, and started looking for Davis, Colby came driving up in a golf cart.   So it was good getting to see him for a moment, and made it much easier to find Davis.   And then we were gone, off to wash clothes and prepare for our Outwest journey.   Anabelle would ride home the following day with a friend, and thus end the best week ever.   We would also find out later that Davis' society won that week, but he was not there to celebrate.   

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