Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Road Trip - Day 5...Trains and Dinosaurs

I am realizing just now that I did not make it into this day's grouping of pictures, but another fun day that Sam had planned completely.   And it was quite funny later to hear them tell me of this day and their travels, because it does sound like a day I would have planned, but for when they were much younger.   I never even knew these places existed, but they first visited a large model train museum.   And while maybe it was not the most exciting, they rolled with it and shared many a crazy moments together.   Boys...the videos for your "big boy" train ride with you guys screaming thru the tunnel is probably somewhere on Amazon should you choose to look for it.   For slightly confused Dad looking thru pictures later this day, the train tunnel video did make me laugh.   

After the train museum, they went over to the Natural History museum, and saw some dinosaurs.   I don't remember hearing much about this museum, but I think it was where they also got to pan for gold...yes, with all the other little boys.   But again, they had a good time with all the "gold" they found, and I think handed it all over to some other young kids.   And while I did not hear a lot of stories about the Natural History part of their day, their first visit to a Jack in the Box was very exciting.   Tacos, Burgers, Egg Rolls...All together in one place.   I have also never been to one, and did not get a chance, but they loved it, and loved the cheap prices of all the food.   Maybe next time.   

That evening at work was the vendor night where all the vendors are like carnies selling their consulting services or cyber products to all of us at the conference.   While early in my NITSL days, it was easy to slip by these tables inserting my business card in all the prize drawings without having to talk much, now much of the room is people I used to work with that have retired and moved into the vendor area. And the vendors pay for a large portion of the conference, so I had already told the boys that I would be required to hang out here for the night.   But Stacy, now on the vendor side, told me to invite them the food is great during these events, even tho it is only appetizer portions.   I had already completed my presentations I had prepared on Tuesday and on this Wednesday, so it was also nice that the conference was winding down.   

The boys loved this event, at least for the food...They had (and the boys tried some of everything) carved prime rib, sushi (only davis), quesadillas, lambchops, chicken pasta, and some BBQ sliders...yep, just appetizers.   They sat and chatted with some of my new friends in Birmingham, as I wondered the vendor floor talking with the "carnies".   We later tried the desserts, of which they had about 6 different ones (me and Davis vote for the chocolate mousse, while Sam votes for the keylime).   And then it was time to walk the vendor area one last time as they announced winners of the drawings...the vendors had gift cards, pickleball sets, speakers, and the best apple ipad.   Davis told me that one vendor was really cool that had some smart devices that had digital displays, but maintained an old school digital processing that would be difficult to cause any cyber issue.   But Davis said all the other guys didn't seem to even want to chat with him about their products.   haha, those carnies know who has the money, and who doesn't.   Sam and Davis got to hang out with my buddies from across the country, many that I work and talk with much more that people sitting across the hall from me in Birmingham.   And that was fun to see them laughing with my friends too.   Then I heard my name...The Owl data diode vendor called Scott Junkin as the winner of a $100 Amazon gift card!   YEAH!   So I made my way up to the table, and as I was about to reach out, my buddy Robert from TVA yelled out "Hey, that's not Scott Junkin"....haha, he made both me and the Owl diode vendor question my identity for a second.   Sam and Davis thought that was hilarious.   

After the event, after a short rest in the room, probably watching more shark tank (did you know that show is always on tv at any hour of any day).   Then out to the pickleball court for another round of Sam beat downs.   Only one more half day of conference, and we would be that much closer to the Grand Canyon!   Again on the courts, I kept thinking to myself...don't hurt your knee, don't hurt your knee.   

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