Monday, July 3, 2023

Mommy Daddy Ruby Day

Our little Ruby was left all alone while everyone else was at Florida College camp.   So of course, we needed another Mommy Daddy Ruby day.  I did ask her why it was not a Daddy Mommy Ruby day instead, and she said that just did not sound as good.   There was really no question in where we would go, but to Chuck E Cheese.   But with Momma Mag there, I knew I could make both girls happy if I got them each their own play card.   Ruby was thankful she did not have to run off and find where Magan had taken her play card all the time.   

I bought both of the girls a 60 minute card, and then found a free 500 ticket bonus on the app.   So we were on our way to the biggest ticket total ever!   Our first card usage was to get the family picture below, then it was off...Magan over to skeeball, and Ruby to the flashy light games.   I traveled between the girls, getting a play or two off each of their cards as needed.   I love the nfl football toss, and can usually make the team, but I am no MVP.   But my addiction is the Spongebob token game we played when it was just me and Anabelle and Ruby last time.   It is seriously twisted how long I could just stand here sliding tokens into this game...I should truly never attempt to walk thru a casino in Vegas...ever.   

I did make my way over to skeeball in time to see Ruby hit the 10000 hole one time.   She was super pumped to see her total score cross over 20,000 for a total.   It was about this time I saw Magan at the mini basketball game.   She was fully engaged and in the zone.   It looked like she would break the record, but 190 was not enough, the record would remain at 210.   Then I saw the look in her eyes, I am sure Jordan looked similar when he put 63 on the Celtics...and I heard her whisper "one more" not to me, but to that inner beast that takes over in sports...and she started shooting.   I watched, and kids, there is a video somewhere on Amazon of this moment...a moment when nothing missed, Magan had gone "en fuego"!  She passed 190, then 200, and as the buzzer sounded, the cheering and dancing began from a grown woman that had set the high score at 219.   Her smile said it all, and I was again glad to have gotten her a card of her own.   And I am sure that score is still there to this day at the Inverness Chuck E Cheese.   

And Ruby will not remember her ticket total, but so that it is recorded for all time in the family blogs, it was 1607.   And what can you get for that number of tickets...A glow unicorn, some stickers, and a couple of gummi suckers.   Sounds little, but when you see matching smiles on your beautiful bride and your sweetest little girl, it was a treasure that continues to build in my memories from the house of the cheap mouse.   

So what else did we do on this fun night.   We went to Full Moon BBQ and each had our own TWO cookies.   Then we went home, and in probably another parent failure moments, we watched and laughed at Adam Sandler in Billy Madison (yes, on vidangel).   Only one other memory of this night was of Ruby singing a shadow monster song to help her not be afraid of the things lurking in the shadows, while her brothers and sister were not there to take care of her.   Love you my Ruby Guby, and hope that one day you read this and remember these fun moments with mom and dad.   

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