Thursday, July 13, 2023

Road Trip - Day 6...Hole in the Rock

The NITSL conference finally ended at noon on this Thursday, and our plan was to visit the zoo on this afternoon, but due to the high heat still over 110 degrees, the zoo had been closing at 1PM each day.  So during the first break of the morning, I went and made a reservation for Sam and Davis to have some time on the surf attraction there at the hotel.   It was rather pricey, and I kept trying to get Davis to do it all week, as it seemed more of his thing.   Sam did not really want to try it, but I knew he would like it, so I signed him up as well.  It was vacation, so we decided to splurge a little.   They were excited when I told them about it, but Davis said that I needed to do it too.   So I included myself on the reservation as well.  Probably our most expensive day of the trip, but when we arrived at 2PM (Yes, in the 115 degree heat), playing in the cold water sounded like the perfect thing to do.

Once we checked in, we found out that for our hour on the waves, it was just me, Sam, Davis, and one more little guy that was about 12 years old.   So all of us had done this before at the opryland waterpark, but you usually have to wait about 15 to 20 minutes for about a 2 minute ride, then get back in line.   This was completely different, as we just had 4 people and got another turn almost as soon as your wind was back from the last ride.   Yes, your wind, at least for me, there was some serious cardio trying to stay balanced on that boogie board.   And what was even better was that the lifeguards would lie down at the bottom and show you tricks to try.   So in the short time on the boogie board for me, I was able to finally get my knees on the board and ride like that, then later to go with no hands, and finally on almost my last ride, I bounced into a seated position and rode the waves criss cross apple sauce.   Even the boys never got to that position.   We all learned how to throw the board in front of us, then drag up the wave till the board came back to us.   Both Sam and I were able to throw the board, flip our bodies completely over, then catch the board and ride back down.  Sam was able to flip his board completely backwards while still riding the wave, and Davis could get his board to bounce high off the wave...and he was the only one that almost did a complete roll with the was super close.   

Our hour was going by too fast, so when I saw we only had 20 minutes, I asked the lifeguard if the boys could try the larger surf board, and then they both tried this, while I watched and cracked up laughing at each attempt. These are the funniest videos of the whole trip, and I probably pulled too many pictures below trying to simulate the funny fails as they tried to learn how to ride the board.   Sam's funniest was an immediate fall off the board, but then trying to be cool and walk to the edge, he kept tripping as the high speed jets kept knocking him off his feet.   That is my favorite video, and some of those images are below.   Then Davis had an epic fall landing directly on his face, then I watched him in direct face plant be pushed completely up the funny.   Why do you not see any of my falling, because I am not crazy, I did not try that board.   And then, just as I think Davis was ready to give up, Sam got upright on the board and began riding the waves.   Davis could not be outdone, and next turn, rode the waves like a pro.   From then on Sam could ride the board pretty well, but Davis just has some inner water creature that comes out, and he moved the board all the way left then right across the wave, so he gets the award for best surfer of us three.   

The boys let me get one last boogie board ride in right as our time was up, and I failed trying to throw my board and roll one last time, but that was really one of the highlights of our trip, and something we kept talking about for the remainder of our road trip.   Both Sam and I never thought it would be that much fun, but we were wrong!   Did I mention that while we were surfing, or really anytime in the pool area, waiters come and bring you ice cold pitchers and glasses of water.   Yeah, little swanky.  I ran into four of my friends at the conference who were also going to try out the surfing.   It was funny in that throughout the week, every time we got on an elevator or walking through the lobby, we would run into people from the conference.   The boys just got used to me chatting with everyone that we saw.   Davis asked if I knew everyone at the hotel...haha, not at the hotel, but most at the conference.  One encounter cracked us up as Paul Martyak from EPRI walked out of the elevator when me and Sam and Davis were there, and did some kind of weird jerky maneuver like he had no idea what floor he was on, then walked passed us like nothing ever happened.   I said hi, then as we got in the elevator, all three of us just started busting a gut laughing.   

Our other plan for the day was to visit "Hole in the Rock" which was a rock formation near the zoo at Papago Park.   It looked interesting and it was on my plan for when we were going to the zoo, so we just hopped in the car after changing from our surfing.   There is one other picture below of a seating area at the hotel where there was a tree in which many little birds would fly down into a water area in the middle.   The birds would fly away, but were also pretty comfortable with people.   Sam liked this place as one of his reading areas, and he said it was great except for the birds peeing and pooping on your head.   

After making it to the Hole in the Rock, we made the short hike up to the top to get a view from the hole.   And we first wanted a picture, but another girl was there on her phone talking to someone on facetime, and really blocking the cool view that us and another 3 families were trying to get in their picture.   She was completely oblivious to everyone wanting to get this picture.   I tried to throw her off by sitting down right next to her, but that did nothing.   She ended her facetime call, and began another one right away telling the person on the phone that they should see this great view she had, and she even complained to another person on the phone that they built a parking lot at the bottom of this view and she hated that it blocked such a pretty view.   The lady taking the picture said that she could get Sam to sit in front of the girl and block her (yes, all these conversations were going on where this girl should have clearly heard), but I said, No, she is now part of this experience.   So I made sure she was included in our family pictures, and me and the boys just kept cracking up about this girl.   She did finally move to the side so us and the other families could slide past.   

And for our supper on this final day in Phoenix, we visited Gertrudes, a farm to table restaurant in the Desert Botanical Gardens also located at Papago park.   There was not a lot of people there when we arrived, but it had high ratings on we stayed, and we were not disappointed.  We started with some corn fritters, then Davis got some type of stir fry with chicken, Sam got some sliced steak, and I got some duck breast...which was perfect as we all got to try each dish, and every dish was amazing.   As we left, we found another row of these crazy green trees that Davis could not figure out why they kept all these painted green.  One last night in the hotel, and many laughs to end our night as we watched Step Brothers.   

Our trip up to the Grand Canyon would begin the next day, but when I think about this trip, and just which day was the most fun all around, this one might take the prize.   Haha, and I found some extra notes I will just randomly share of this day...We had a "suicide bird" fly right in front of the van on our way to Gertrudes...And then both boys will remember the mysterious Asian that tripped as we walked past him coming into the hotel, then we saw him moments later coming out of the elevator.   There is probably some racial thing that someone might say that we think they all look alike, but seriously, all three of us were confused because we all thought we just passed the same guy twice.   Maybe it was a twin.  

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