Sunday, July 2, 2023

Big Kaboom

Should this event have gotten its own blog post?   I don't know.   It has always been a favorite every year, and I will have to admit that across the board for each of us, there was not much excitement over a celebration of our country's independence.   I mean really, how long are we going to keep up this patriotism party.   Anyway, on this day, we were watching the weather, and it looked ok, with maybe a little rain.  So we waiting and arrived later than usual at the event parking over by China Garden (china garden chesee).  Sam had driven separately to be with his buddies from school.

So we arrived at this event, and took the first picture below.   I remember chatting briefly with Bob Brown, and leaving our stuff with him.   The sky did not look like just a little rain, it did not look good at all.   But we wanted to visit at the Chelsea church booth, and see how things were going, so we started walking that way...or at least I did.   Magan knows the whole city of Chelsea, so she gets stopped much more often than me, and she actually wants to talk to all these random people.   Then I saw the lightning followed fairly shortly with a bang of thunder.   Turning around to see Ruby, I could almost see her gag.   She was not throwing up, but the look in her eyes, told me that would be coming soon.   She said...Let's go now!   Haha...after another bolt of lightning, and the guys on the metal stage stopping the music to say they would be taking a short break till after the storms, we decided it was time to move.   So after no more than 15 minutes at the Big Kaboom, we were leaving.   

But what about Sam, the smother to my right said as we entered the car.   He is fine, he is with Brandon and his friends, and I am sure they will find some cover.   But that was not satisfactory, so we took the long way home waiting for Sam to text Magan that he was OK.   We finally got a picture from Brandon's mom they they were all inside the car as the heavy rain and winds came through.   And since we were taking the long way home, we were on the roads during all the heavy rain and winds...making sure that Ruby had her puke bag ready.   

We got some pictures of the damage to many of the smaller tents the next day on Facebook.   Good thing we left.   But Sam said they still did the fireworks later that night.  Happy Birthday USA, sorry we had to celebrate you at our home this year.   I guess this was the year of the many Kabooms at the Big Kaboom.   

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