Friday, July 7, 2023

Girls Trip to the Great Wolf Lodge

Granny and Katie planned another great trip for the girls while everyone else was at the FC camp.   I don't know if anyone had been to the Great Wolf Lodge except for Katie, but I had seen many many advertisements and knew they would have a great time.  At the house, I helped (well, maybe...) Magan and Shay and Melissa get all loaded in Shay's van (btw...Our driveway looked like a Honda dealership for a night).   Everything was loaded, then we got to Melissa's stuff, and after having to strap two of the kids to the roof, we were able to get the boxfan in, and off they went to LaGrange Georgia.

I was told that Andrew was not real happy on this journey, and the sounds he was making seemed to be puking noises.  And apparently Shay is not a big fan of puking in her vehicle, so was constantly checking back on them to make sure they were ok, and if they needed to stop.   So much so, that Melissa referred to her as rubber necking.   

I heard one tale of Katie taking Ellie, Bella, and Ivey into the wave pool, only to be blown over when the first big waves rolled in.   Then dragging a scared Bella and Ivey under both arms, with a scared Ellie hanging on her neck.   I wish someone got some video of all this.   

I was told that the kids all gave it a thumbs down when they got locked out of the room in cold wet clothes because the room change messed up the key cards.   Granny saved some money on this room change, but later would splurge getting all the kids a Build a Bear stuffed Animal.   I don't know about the others, but my Ruby sure was happy with this gift, and from the pictures, I would say Granny won the best Granny award on this day.   

Wyatt did not make it but one night at FC camp, but he did get to join everyone at the lodge.   He also had 2 admirers from school that wanted to be with him all the time.   Ruby said she tried to help and tell them Wyatt was with his family, so please don't bother him right now.   

Magan's favorite story that she could barely tell me from laughing so hard was coming down one of the family slides, and at the bottom water shooting up the hole in the float, blasting her in the bottom, shooting her foot directly into Katie's nether regions.   She said that her and katie could not stop laughing at this inadvertent violation.  

There was a wild tale of  Melissa wanting some sweet tea, but passing on the hotel tea, then searching for Jack's tea, and finally setting on Zaxby's tea that ended up being plenty for the whole car load.   

And my favorite story I heard was one of Granny's special creamer she wanted with her breakfast.   Apparently "someone" was embarrassed if Granny brought he creamer bottle down to the buffet breakfast, so she instead poured some of the creamer into a cup they had in the room.   Then Granny had to balance this cup on a tray like a waiter while she got her food, because their tables were not ready just yet, then the cup started spilling all over the tray, and when Granny set that tray down to get her food, one of the waiters came by and grabbed it and through it into the garbage.   That is so funny!   Maybe not to her, but secondhand this was my favorite one to hear.   

There were other stories, but I think these are all that I have the liberty to share.   I was super glad for all these ladies to get this time away.   My crew loved it, and it makes me want to go to a waterpark now...maybe we will go to Atlanta one day...    

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