Friday, December 18, 2009

The Boys and their Sister

While I do not think we realize fully yet the transition from 2 to 3, it is great that Sam and Davis seem to have taken the addition of Anabelle very well. They both hold her, and kiss her, and sometimes will not leave her alone, but they are very sweet with her. It seems that wherever we lay Belle down to nap, the boys end up choosing that place to pull all of their toys over and play. They just want to be near her.

Sam just constantly wants to hold her. He often laughs at her little hiccups or sneezes, smiles so big when she is holding his finger. He is also our designated pacifier installer, because if she is crying, he immediately wants to make her feel better, and the pacifier stops the crying. He wanted to hold her the other night, and Magan and I were working on the computers in separate rooms. I heard everything get quiet for awhile, and when I went to check on him, I found him asleep sitting up holding her. It was pretty sweet, and I’ve got a picture below.

Davis tells me all the time “She’s cute” and he likes her, but I think he is ready for her to start playing with him. Jokingly I told him the other day that she would be throwing the ball with him soon. Shortly after that, I saw him throwing the ball at her on the couch! I had to quickly explain “not yet”.

Back at Home

We stayed at the hospital until Wednesday, Dec 2nd, and then came home to our family of 5. I was able to have the whole week off, so it was just us and lots of visitors bringing lots of good food. The next week MaMaw and Nanny were both able to spend some nights at our house to help magan out while I went back to work.

(Above) Minivan is getting Crowded. :)

MaMaw had to leave early from the hospital so she had to wait until she came to our house to hold Anabelle.
The Sartins...

She told me that should couldn't sleep without me. My first little nap with my princess Belle. :)

Pam and Benet brought cookies! Their excuse to come over and hold belle.

Car problems, Bad decisions, and a cute little gal named Anabelle!!

November 30th, 2009 began early in the morning for me and magan. We were supposed to be at Brookwood at 6:30 AM for an induction. It was a nasty morning with that mist that just seems to never go away. Granny and Granddaddy were staying at our house taking care of the boys while we left for the hospital. We got in my Explorer to leave and the car would not crank…would not even turn over…so I quickly run to wake Granny up to get the keys to Granddaddy’s truck so I can jump my explorer off. All went well and we made it to Brookwood in plenty of time. We parked at the labor and delivery emergency parking lot and loaded all of the stuff in our room. I then went back out to the car to move it to the main hospital parking lot…and it would not crank. The batter cable connectors had cracked and were no longer making a connection. So I called AAA to see if they could help.

Meanwhile in the Hospital room, the doctor had broken magan’s water and labor had initiated. I received the call from AAA that they were outside and then began making bad decisions. AAA was able to get the car cranked again, and then told me where a Goodyear shop was where I could get the cables repaired. I looked at my watch (8:30 AM) and thought “Wow, I’ve got plenty of time, and I’m really not doing much but sitting right now, so I guess I will just go get the car fixed this morning”. I mentioned this brilliant idea to magan, who shrugged and said “ok” in a tone that I later interpreted as “You’re doing what?”, but currently only interpreted as “ok”.

I then left the hospital…and yes, my wife in labor…to get the car fixed. And as I pulled into Goodyear, told them the issue, and was instructed to “sit and wait, we will get to it shortly”, I realized that time had not stopped because I was having a baby today. I think that I had forgotten that other people would also be getting their car serviced today, I just assumed that my car was the most important, and I needed it quick.

At 10:00 AM, when magan called my cell phone number, I was beginning to realize that this was not a good decision, because now my car would not crank, and I was stuck at Goodyear. But she only called to ask where I was and that she was at 4 cm, would I be back soon? Luckily the fact that I mentioned my wife was in labor helped push my car to the top of the list and I was able to be back in the car (with repaired cables) by 10:15…and back to the hospital shortly afterwards.

Easily made it back in time as Miss Anabelle Ottriss Rene’ Junkin joined us around 12:05 PM. Ok, no more writing…here are some of the pics of our little girl.

I got it at Walmart

I was sitting in the kitchen floor this morning playing with Davis. He is a very imaginative kid, and was busy telling me about how he was santa clause. I asked him if he had found the cookies, and he had, then told him that we had some carrots in the refrigerator for Rudolph. In his little deep voice he told me “Ok, he likes those”. Then I told him that I liked his big beard (This was an imaginary beard), and again in his deep voice he said “yeah, It’s soft, I got it at Walmart”.

Walmart is the place to get anything, and apparently the boys have picked up on the fact that Magan and I truly get about everything at Walmart. Sam was telling me the other day about a new listing of toys he would like for Christmas. I tried to explain to him that mom and dad did not have enough money to get him all of these things, he simply explained “Oh, that’s ok, hoho (Santa) can buy it at Walmart”

And this morning Davis came up to Magan’s uncovered toes and gave his version of the “This little piggy” story.
He said:
“This little piggy went to Walmart
This little piggy ate cake
This little piggy played with Boy Stuff (he had a Batman for Sam, a Spiderman for Davis and a Superman for Dad
This little piggy watched TV
And this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home.”

So in closing, Walmart is traded as WMT and is currently considered a low risk, upward growth stock and I am not Jim Cramer, but I would say this one will be a good one to own for awhile.

Back to the Blogging

November 7th was the last blog...Wow...I guess we have been a little busy. Anabelle Ottriss Rene' Junkin is now a part of our family. We have her Social Security card and everything, so I guess she is official. I am off work until after Christmas, so I figured I would finally get to some blogs. But now I have forgotten most of the things I was supposed to blog about.

Ok...I have some other blogs and pictures to post, so this is just a quick blog to get me used to blogging again.

I had a quick random thought the other day about my work and the quirky things that happen. You ever notice that we sometimes just repeat what other people say in their salutations and goodbyes. When someone says to me "hello", I often reply "hello". Or if they choose to say "Good Morning", I reply "good morning". Davis is our little echo in the car as he repeats about everything magan or I say...I wonder if we develop this parrotting characteristic from an early age. I first noticed that this constant repeating is often inaccurate as I leave my work building, the guard often says "Drive Safe", and I replied "Drive Safe", then continued walking and thinking about why my brain told me to repeat exactly what the guard had said (The guard was not about to drive anywhere, I have also replied "you too" when confronted with a Drive Safe. But the other person was not about to drive anywhere). If I reply "thank you" I don't know why I have really thanked them, and if I reply "I will" it sounds quite arrogant. I think maybe just a "I shall prepare myself to do my very best" would probably be the best response.

Ok, Ok, On to the blogs....

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Disney On Ice

Well, Magan and I made a last minute decision to take the boys to Disney on Ice on Friday. We figure our opportunities for little adventures with just the boys are getting fewer by the day. Belle is now planned to be here on 11/30/09, unless she is ready sooner. Exciting!

We surprised the boys at the BJCC, only when we got there did we let them know what we were going to see. Sam takes surprises about as well as I do (not really well), and it took him a while to smile and act like he was in favor with our change of his plans. Davis was very exciting running to the door to get in.

Sam says that his favorite was seeing Woody and Buzz. He also likes Mickey Mouse, Donald, and the Genie. "That's my favorite thing I likes" he tells me.

Davis quickly tells me that "[In]Credibles" is his favorite. He also liked Woody and he even liked the "princesses too Dad".

We had to move seats a few times because I like just trying out the seats that are available, and that only works until the people that have those seats show up.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Playing in the Leaves

Home from church the other day, and Mom went inside to make some lunch, while me and the boys went to rake up some leaves. They both had to back up across the back yard and run, run, run and jump into the big pile of leaves.

Sam also had a small brown box of little toys that Nanny had given him that was lost in the pile of leaves. It took a long time to find this brown box that just blended in with the leaves. I then let Sam and Davis take turns taking pictures, and I think the did very well below. Of course I did filter out the many pictures of the sky and trees where they were trying to figure out the camera.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween (Or As Davis says Palloween)

We began our day by driving up to Ben's 1st Birthday party. The boys had a blast and got to play in the big blow-up jumping castle. Granny dressed up like a pirate, and Katie was a vampire. Ben was sick that day, but we are glad he is all better now...even tho Sam and Davis still do not let us finish prayers without making sure God helps baby Ben to feel better.

It was then time to Trick or Treat, where we first began at Nanny's house. They received some treats but also some presents in a little brown box that they both make sure are with them all of the time. We then went on a whirlwind trick or treat voyage through my old neighborhood (which apparently is no longer the place to trick or treat...only two houses with lights on), then to MaMaw/MaMyrts neighborhood (We thought they would be home, but then realized they were at a church function, so we did not get to trick or treat them), then back to Granny's house for some treats and more presents.

As you can see, they were Buzz and Woody, and this is Davis smiling as big as he can. On our way home we had another fun experience...
Davis is a big eater and we have few problems getting him to eat...but Sam he eats enough to get him by...but on Halloween, Candy was his lunch and supper. So after leaving Granny's to go home, we asked him if he wanted some chicken nuggets from McDonalds. But he said no...then about 5 miles down the road, he started squirming saying he needed to poop/puke. Pulling over on the side of the road, he had his first puking spell. But back in the car, he seemed OK, but wanted some chicken nuggets. So...we stopped in Warrior to get some food.
The line was horrible and we waited forever to get our order in the drive thru, and as we were about to get our food, Davis said "I need to pee", so Magan got out and took him in to pee. I picked up our food and pulled forward to wait for Magan. About this time it got interesting, because Sam again starting squirming and saying he needed to puke/poop RIGHT NOW! So I whipped the van over into a parking spot and pulled Sam out.
It was a race to the bathrooms...and in this race, there was no clear neon signs pointing the way to the restrooms, so after running in the gas station (connected to the McDs) I started trying to find the bathrooms, and halfway there heard the dreaded burp/cough/gurgle that made my feet move a little faster. Into the restroom we ran, opening the stall door, and still thinking he needed to poop...I stared at a nasty toilet with the toilet seat lying on the floor beside the toilet. Panicking because I knew that I would be required to wipe the seat and apparently try to install the seat prior to the eruption that would surely come soon, I switched sam to the arm farther away from the toilet preparing for the toilet seat wipe...It was then I found out that he needed to puke not poop, and it was then round one came forth covering my shirt and some of my pants as I twisted him and pointed his head towards the toilet aiming this eruption towards the john.
After Round two and three Sam was fine, and other than my clothes, Sam was fairly clean and went right to sleep after getting back in the van. So we finally made it home. We will need to hold back on the candy next year I guess.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Little Piece of Heaven

The other night I wanted to read to the boys before bed time. I wish I could say this is something we do every single night, but then reality sets in.

Up until this point, sitting down with the boys to read meant that I read to Sam and Davis climbed on my shoulders or came by for an occasional glance at the pictures.
Finally, Davis has gotten more interested in listening and SITTING with us.
We read 4 books with both boys listening and laughing and loving it. My little piece of heaven came when I felt both boys' little heads lying on each of my shoulders completely involved in the book and loving on their mom. Davis had his little hand resting on my arm. I had all three of my babies resting on me and it was truly a blessing from God.
Speaking of that third baby girl. I am now going to the DR. every two weeks which means the end is near : )
I am about 1 and 1/2 months away from holding this soft sweet little bundle in my arms!
Please pray for us and for a safe and healthy delivery when the time arrives.

I do have to note that she is rolling all over the place! One of my favorite things to do is sit things like the remote on my belly and watch her kick at it and sometimes knock it off : )

Friday, September 11, 2009

Prayer List

Each night before Sam goes to bed, he says his prayers which always end with a growing list of people we need to pray for. We have been remembering his new teacher who has a broke foot, Mrs. Marquita, and many from our church congregation.

But tonight, he got a little frustrated when he could not remember someone’s name. He was trying to get me to help him remember by saying “You know, that lady”. This did not help, so I asked him what about that lady in an effort to figure out who he was praying for. Then he said “You know…like in the fire”. Now I was really confused…I asked him if someone he knew from school or church had been in a fire. Clearly frustrated, he repeated again “No Dad, it’s like a fire”…

Running through the list of names on our church prayer list…it finally dawned on me. Then I remembered an elderly lady of our congregation that had recently fallen and broken her arm, and finally understanding his logic I laughed and asked Sam, “Are you talking about Mrs. Virginia BURNES (pronounced the same as burns)?”

He smiled and said “Yeah”, then continued to ask God to help Mrs. BURNES…


Sometimes those boys have a little too much fun during bathtime. They have recently been “accidentally” spilling lots of water out of the tub and onto the floor. I have tried various things to make them stop this liking shortening the bath playtime, taking away toys, and one swat apiece…but they just have so much fun playing together laughing that it is hard for me to really be sincere in their punishment.

Well last night, they ended up with a lot more water than they usually have, and I was busy in the dining room on the computer. I heard them laughing and carrying along, then I heard lots of splashing. Busy at the computer I yelled in to them that they would get in trouble if they were spilling water. “We’re not” they both said.

Finally going in to check on them I found water everywhere…and a little upset at them I decided a new approach. I let the water out and went back to our bedroom to speak with Magan. I usually dry them off and help them get ready for bed, but tonight I was just going to leave them in an empty tub with no towel to stay warm. I let Magan know about this decision and as we spoke about our days, we began to hear laughing and cackling and loud noises coming from the bathroom.

I looked down the hallway to the bathroom to see two shiny red bottoms that had gotten out of the tub, and were now leaned over the tub rolling a ping pong ball all over the tub. They seemed to think this was hilarious, and apparently had no problems with any chills as they started chasing each other around the living room naked. Oh well…you choose your battles, and those kids are just too funny for me to win that one.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

2 Success Stories in 2 Days!

Today was Sam's first day of School (he will be going 3 days a week from 8:30-12:30)
We went yesterday to get his backpack at Wal-mart. As soon as he saw the Ironman bag (which he thinks is a power ranger) he knew without a doubt that was the one he wanted. He has pretty much been wearing it since we picked it up off the shelf.

My morning started at 5:30 this morning......I will explain all of that in a minute....

7:00 I heard the school bus slam on its breaks to pick up our neighbor. Sam apparently also heard the same thing.

7:04 I feel a soft tapping on my back and roll over to see a big smile on a 4 yr old boy's face who is dressed from head to toe with backpack, shoes, and all.
I hug him and told him HAPPY SCHOOL DAY!

7:15 Sit down for breakfast and see that Sam is thinking. He says "Mom, I don't know my friends at school..."
I quickly assure him that he will know them soon and that they will have lots of fun together, then CHANGE THE SUBJECT before he starts to think about it too much.

7:25 He has eaten breakfast and is dancing around the house asking when we could wake Davis up to get him ready.

7:30 Davis calling from his room to get out, ( I think a dancing little boy in shoes woke him up)

7:35 Both boys on the front stairs to take a first day of school picture.

8:00 In the car driving to school (I didn't get lost this time, like I did for open house. That's a whole story by itself, lol)

8:21 Pull into school, take the boys in, take pic with teacher, kiss Sam's cheek, Davis and Sam give hugs and sugar, and I leave with a 2 year old who wants to see his teacher too.
(notice that his little finger is pointing at his backpack, he loves it) : )
That's it, my little boy is in school....I am so thankful he didn't cry....but I want to cry myself.....I pray that we are making the best decision for him and that he will be a good influence on his friends as he grows.....that God will shield him from all the bad things and influences that will be around him as he goes to school through the years......that his teachers are good, honest, and kind.......and I know he is only in pre-school but there are many years ahead. I trust that God will take care of him and I hope he is the light he needs to be.
It is hard not to think of those little baby rolls he had and his little shy grin without crying. I know people say this all of the time, but how did it all go by so fast! I love you Sam Jonas Earl Junkin!

......Now back to 5:30 this morning. Davis has been potty training for the past few weeks. He started to tell me when he needed to tee tee so I would run him to the potty. Since he told me he had to go every time he felt an urge, we were in the potty VERY often. I have watched a naked little bottom jiggle it's way to the potty and dance around the bathroom so many times I can't count. I never get tired of it though : ) Most of the time it is followed by him saying "Need wash my hands, and I need a piece of candy"
(On a side note, we had a lot of tee tee in the grass stops on our way to the beach)
The pooping in the potty has been a different story up until yesterday!!!! He told me he needed to poop and he made it to the potty with no trouble. The second time he told me but had went a little bit in his underwear, but he finished in the potty!

......5:30 this morning I hear him on the monitor, "mooooom I want to wear my spider man underwear"
I go in his room to see him laying down, I really think he was dreaming about it. I told him it was still night night time and we would get his underwear in the morning. I asked if he needed to go tee tee in the potty and he sat up and said sleepily "yeah" He went and I laid him back in bed and he went BACK TO SLEEP! I couldn't believe it! He woke up to go tee tee.
Then we ran by a store after we dropped Sam off at school. He told me when he needed to tee tee and about 2 minutes later he told me he needed to go poops. SO, no real accidents in almost 2 days and he has also woke up dry at nap time the past 2 days. It seems too good to be true, but hopefully he will keep it up! Then we will only have one in diapers in a few months instead of two, yay!!!!!
I will have to add some pics of Davis in his big boy spider man underwear soon : )

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I really am just tired of writing right now, so I will just share some pictures. In Chicago this week on business, and was able to make it to the top of the Sears Tower, and to Wrigley Field to watch the Cubs. I had a blast at both of these outings, but the Cubs game was just great…my seats were about 12 rows up from the Cubs dugout, and Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam threw out the first pitch and sung “Take me out to the Ball Game”. The Cubs were blasted by the Nationals, but lots of scoring and lots of fun.
Yes...this is me sitting and standing on the floor number 103 of the Sears Tower. Over 1000 feet above the ground below sitting on this glass floor. And let me tell you, that first step over the edge onto the glass is very scary for an acrophobiac.
Even tho it looks like I was photoshopped in...I did make it and it was great.
OK I don't have a good zoom...but the scruffy guy in the middle is Eddie Vedder.

And as you can see...the Cubbies were blasted. But I stayed to the very end, sporting my new ball cap and rooting for the home team to make a comeback. I guess it was a shame.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Guys Day at the Zoo

Magan was up all night last Friday doing the “Kids Market crazy lady sleeping all night in a parking lot so she gets in early to the sale” thing. So I woke up with the Boys last Saturday and decided to take them to the zoo.

It happened to be the Birmingham Fire Department day, so Sam and Davis were excited to see 6 firetrucks, 2 ambulances, and the fire dog (Dalmatian). We planned to have a quick day at the zoo, and the boys were excited to play in the water part.

We began by going to the children’s zoo area where we were able to pet the large snake. Well, Sam and I pet the large snake…Davis wanted no part in the slithery devil. But the boys did enjoy getting to pet the goats and sheep. We then walked through the Alabama section…and there is a little tunnel area that you can look up into a glass dome and it feels like you are actually in the snake’s area. Pretty cool display. Sam and I looked around for the snake and found it staring at us from just across the glass. Davis, being brave asked to see it, …and as soon as he saw how close it was…immediately kicked his legs and said he wanted down.

The boys then played for awhile in the water, and as they were shivering after playing for about 30 minutes, I realized that I forgot the towels. No problem tho…I just used my shirt to dry them off, and then the boys wanted to go see more animals. I love seeing the animals, and it makes me very happy that they also like to walk around to see them too.

Luckily, we were able to get to the Rhino encounter as the two new rhinos were being brushed. Sam and Davis had no fear…we walked in and they got to brush the 4000 lb animals. Pretty neat. Per the zoo helper, the Rhinos roll around in the mud and dirt which acts as a sunscreen for their skin, but then they enjoy the keepers and volunteers, such as Sam and Davis, brushing the dirt off because it feels so good. Sam sported the backwards shirt look for the remainder of the day after playing in the water...see below...Yes, I told him it was backwards, but that is they way he liked it, and who knows...maybe that will be the fashion one day.

Lunch at Chappy’s and back home…

Friday, August 21, 2009

My sweet Boys and a New Baby Girl

Yes, I am alive, lol!
I have been trying to squeeze in as many picture sessions, appointments, shopping trips, etc. in as I can. I know how tired and pregnant those last few months feel and I am trying to get as much done as I can before that point.
Because it has been a while since I posted, I am going to be writing random little tidbits that I personally want to remember.

I have not written the first post about being pregnant, sorry baby girl :)
It has been a great pregnancy from the second trimester on. The first trimester had me feeling nausiated and really tired. I have loved pickles, sour cream and onion, and most things salty. But ice creamy things have also been a big part of my diet, not to mention they keep down that terrible heartburn. Where I loved ketchup and fried things with the boys, I have wanted more salads and veggies with you.
I thought you were a girl early on but didn't want to say it. I had never felt that sick with the boys and what I wanted to eat was so different.

I have always loved sharing the baby moving and the excitment of being pregnant with Scott. This time that love has grown by two more little faces! Both boys give me belly kisses and hugs and talk to her. It is the sweetest thing.
After changing Davis' diaper he sat up and looked at my belly, he pointed and said "Baby Belly"
I asked if he wanted to give his baby sister a hug and sugar.
He did and looked up and giggled a little and said "She gave Davis sugar"

I am really glad that he now knows that she is in my Belly! Until my belly started rounding out when you asked him "where's the baby" he would point to my boobs, : )

Sam has been even sweeter b/c he understands more. He and I got in my bed after nap time the other day to snuggle for a little bit. She started kicking a lot and I asked him if he wanted to feel her. He put his little hand on my belly and kept looking back at me and smiling every time he felt her. Then she kicked really hard and he started laughing and said "Mom that was a GIANT kick!"

He also loves when I tell him that she likes something that he has done. We were dancing in the car the other day to a song and I told him she was dancing with us and he thought that was hilarious. So innocent and sweet!

On a side note, I won some tickets to AL Adventure and we finally got to go this past Sat. We all had a blast in the morning riding the rides. My heart did feel like it was sinking when all three of my boys went so high in the ferris wheel they almost touched the clouds. From the ground it looks like they are on top of the Empire State building or something. All I could think was, HOLD ON TO THOSE BABIES SCOTT!!!!

They loved the kiddie rides but Sam loved the Thunderbolt ( I think that's the name )
It is the one that goes Really fast forward and then stops and goes backwards Really fast and has loud music playing the whole time. Since it was the second ride he rode, I thought it would ruin him and he wouldn't want to ride anything else. I couldn't believe it when I saw a grinning face walking off of that crazy ride! Scott said he LOVED it!

After lunch we went to the water park area. I didn't bring a change of clothes nor a swimsuit, b/c I didn't realize there was soooo much for them to do over there. So I sat for about 4 hours in the heat of the day with only two $3 drinks. I kept putting off getting something else to drink b/c I thought we would leave soon, but we kept playing and playing. I left there feeling thoughts of what hell will be like for those who are so thirsty and need a drink.

Never again will I be stuck like that again! It was soooo miserable! I would have LOVED being in that lazy river or playing in the sprinklers with the boys!
I didn't ride anything that day, b/c I didn't think it was worth chancing. As we got home I was talking to Davis asking him if he had fun and he was all excited telling me which rides he liked best.
I told him I wish I could have rode with him and looked right at me and said "Momma you too big" I laughed : )
One more tid bit, they rode the kiddie roller coaster and Davis whined and screamed the whole time. Scott went to get him off and he said "Sam and Davis went super fast!"
Scott thought, hmmmm maybe he did like it and wants to ride again. So he asked him and Davis quickly said "Nooooo!"

Guess he had gone fast enough. I think Sam rode it two more times in a row after that. Sam loves going fast on those crazy things!