Monday, July 13, 2015

Minneapolis - Minnesota Children's Museum

So our vacation finally turned into business for me, as I had to wake up and go to my conference.  Today, Magan took the kids to the Minnesota Children's museum over in St. Paul.  Magan is now becoming a pro at driving around in these big cities.  GPS even was not picking up a signal for awhile on this day, and she made it into the twin city with no problems.  Even with all of the roadwork going on in Minneapolis. 
So, since I was not here, I asked Sam to write down what they did..."We painted our faces.  We build with blocks and we crafted many things at the crafting room".  So there you go.   Magan said this museum was geared a little more towards the younger kids, but there were a lot of smiles when I got back to the hotel room that evening, so I know they had a good time.  Magan said that Belle loved the green screen where apparently she could sing and see herself in different scenes.  

After the kids got home, we found an Italian chain restaurant that is my favorite, Buca di Peppo.  We have been twice in Pittsburgh, but this was the first one we've found outside of that area.  If you ever go here, it is family style, and DO NOT be tempted to order the large...Even if you are starving, the small is HUGE.  I ordered me and the kids an appetizer of meatballs...Three came on a plate and each one was 1/2 pound.  The other food is good too, but the meatballs are the best.  Also, got to be careful with little eyes, as the pictures on the walls are a little risqué.  And Davis does not miss anything like that...I believe he was the one that announced to our table "Hey, that's funny, that guy put spaghetti on that lady's boob".  Those crazy Italians.  

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