Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Minneapolis - Minnesota Science Center

Another Science Center, another trip to St. Paul for Magan and the kids.  I got the feel that the boys had a better time at this one.  Sam's notes on this day "We got to go through a maze and we made fizzy drinks and there was a cool machine that drew drawings".  I think they also liked this one a little better because Magan got them all a little prize.  Sam did love whatever the machine was that made all of the drawings...he showed me several samples.  And all were excited they got to make their very own fizzy drinks.  

After I got home, we traveled over the skyways of Minneapolis.  The skyways connected basically the whole downtown area together via the 2nd floor passages over the main streets.  You could pretty much get anywhere you needed to downtown never having to go outside.  Which is probably pretty nice if it is below zero outside.  After traveling through the skyways, we settled for supper at a place called Murray's.  I checked out the menu and it did not look too bad, then we went inside, and it was a little more upscale that we were thinking.  Then after seeing the menu, I realized that outside must be the lunch menu, because the dinner prices were a tad higher.  But at least the kid's meals were reasonably priced at $14/each.  So we called this our family date night, held our pinkies up, and ate our fancy meal.  Belle was very excited for the chocolate bread (pumpernickel) until she got a bite.  Davis was showing us the proper way to hold these glasses of water. 
Murray's has apparently been in this location since the 40s, and had pictures of several famous figures that have eaten there (D. Jeter, J. Biden, J. Boehner, to name a few).  And I don't know if the couch is famous, but we got our picture on it outside of Murrays anyway.  

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