Saturday, July 11, 2015

Saint Louis - The City Museum

So you start with a 10 story building, then you get some crazy artzy nuts to draw up plans for a playground in it and around it using all recycled steel, wood, and stone.  Add some slides, add a carousel and bus on the roof, then create an outdoor play area where young children could climb through open tunnels suspended 40 feet in the air.  And there you have it...The City Museum of St. Louis.  Got to be a little liberal with the use of "museum" when referring to this place, but I really don't think there is a name for this type of museum will do just as good as anything else. 
We began our visit with an elevator ride to the 10th floor to enjoy the roof.  And the kids immediately spied out the two story slide that soared to the middle of the building.  The way to the top of the slide was a steel tunnel basically built directly on top of the slide.  So you climbed two stories to the top (Not easy at all for a 6 footer), then got in line to slide down under the tunnel you just came up.  Magan got in line for the ferris wheel...and stayed in line for a long time...while the kids played on all of the other slides.  I got to watch little Ru, who found a goat made of recycled steel and laughed and growled at this goat for a long time.  She is just too cute.  Also, did I mention that it was about 95 the roof was a little hot.  Belle liked the water area with stepping stones...I was just terrified the whole time that she would fall in.  Ruby liked to pick up all of the little yellow ducks and throw them.  To end our time on the roof, me and the boys went to the 10 story slide to the bottom.  And I must say this was the longest slides ever, and I did not basically scooted my butt down what ended up being about 7 stories.  Sam had the same difficult experience, but apparently Davis was greased up better as he said he went pretty fast.  We ended up in a "Cave" of slides and tunnels, that took us 15 minutes just to figure out how to get out.  Seriously I was completely lost, until Sam came up with the ingenious idea of using the brightly illuminated EXIT signs. 
We next went to the outdoor section.  Magan stayed with Ruby in what could probably be called a toddler area...everything was just very weird here.  Fish, dinosaur, metal sculptures of chaos was the basic theme of the toddler area.  But me and the others went outside to climb around in the 4 story suspended steel tubes.  And I thought the arch was scary, now I was looking straight down to my death.  And watching Belle's big ole smiles right in front of me.  She did get on to me one time when we were climbing down into the airplane.  "Stop Dad, you're shaking it.  One at a time".  And again, it was 95 degrees, so we had many many water breaks while out here. 
Back inside we picked up Magan and went to the crazy ramp area.  It was like an American Ninja Warrior training area for children.  Sam and Davis joined the group of boys attempting the ramp.  I was so proud of Sam, cause he was so close, he could grab the edge and almost pull himself to the top.  Basically you need some height and some arm strength to make it to the top.  Sam almost made it.  Then Davis said he wanted to try, and that monkey boy did it.  I mean, I really didn't think he should try it, and he made those sandals.  Magan and I were floored!  Then of course, Sam would not leave the ramp until he also made it to the top.  That Sam has got an iron will, but our Dave...he has some monkey toes.  Ha, those boys were fun to watch on the ramp.  And in the ramp pictures, understand that under all of these ramps were tunnel areas that kids were climbing into and out of.  It was like big mouse holes.  Davis said you could get anywhere in the room walking through the ramps. 
What a fun day.   Everyone ended by coming down the three story slide to the bottom level.  Where Magan and Sam again experienced the similar non-sliding skoot experience.  But all in all, this in my opinion is THE place to go in St. Louis.  Pretty cool. 


You can see Sam and Davis going down the slide underneath where you climb up to the top. 

Inside one of the recycled planes

This is where I got in trouble for shaking the cage coming down after Belle

That is Belle out in that tunnel over 40 foot high in the air. 

So the fact that I have a picture of Belle in this hamster wheel probably already gains me a nomination for the Bad Dad award.  Thinking she could keep up with Sam and Davis running was a very bad idea, especially as she start going up the other wall and falling onto the nice hard wooden wheel.  Luckily not hurt too bad. 

Ruby in the bus that was hanging off the 10 story building. 

Ruby's goat is right behind her in this picture. 

Belle's walkway through the water


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