Monday, July 20, 2015

Saint Louis - Science Center

On this last day in St. Louis, we planned to visit their "world famous zoo", but the weather finally got in our way.  Storms had rolled in and it looked like would be in the area all day.  I was disappointed, but our backup plan was the Science Center, so after some breakfast, we headed out that way. 
We started our visit at the Planetarium, where we were able to listen to a scientist spend 30 minutes in the dark telling us about all the.....and when I woke up we looked around at all of the exhibits of space which were pretty cool.  Magan had Ruby during the planetarium experience, and I don't think her experience was as restful as mine. 
We next went to see all of the hands on exhibits, and the kids found some cool crafts where they could make a bracelet with an LED light on it.  Somewhere along the line, Sam got a little crazy with the scissors, and cut his finger pretty bad, and ended up needing some first aid bandaids for the rest of the day. 
After lunch, the clouds parted, and we thought we may still get to the zoo, so we still had one more attraction "Aliens, Robots, AI" that we wanted to see before we left.  So as Magan was changing a diaper, I took the others to this attraction which ended up costing extra.  And the Vacation fairies grabbed my credit card and paid for this extra attraction before Magan could come talk some sense into me.  On hindsight, the boys thought the area was REALLY GREAT...we saw C3PO, Ironman, and other cool robots...but it was definitely not what I was expecting for the additional cost.  Anyway, this became something Magan would pick on me about for the remainder of the trip.  Thanks Honey.  We also got to practice our scared faces running away from aliens and dinosaurs picture.  OK off to the zoo. 


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