Thursday, July 16, 2015

Minneapolis - Water Park of America

So I had to work for a couple of hours on this Thursday morning, but after that we packed up, barely fit the luggage cart into the elevator, and somehow made it out to travel to our next hotel.  Luckily this new hotel was only about 20 minutes away...and Also was the home of the Water Park of America.  We found out that Minnesota is "of America" everything...Mall, Water Park, Coffee, etc...
As an engineer, I love efficiency, and as a super white boy, I love indoor water parks.  So an efficient indoor water park was perfect.  This park was laid out perfectly, with a lazy river around the whole place, A kiddie play area that acted as the hub in the middle, tube slides and back slides that all conveniently fed back directly into the lines, a boogie board jet area (so cool, never been on one of these), a family water slide for everyone to enjoy, and tube slides that ended in the lazy river.  Everything was so much fun...Add bathrooms on three sides of this area and a restaurant...Yes, this is the Water Park of America.
Me, Davis, and Belle attempted the boogie boards, and this was great, but that jet was rough if you ever got off sideways...It would shoot you over the top IN A HURRY!  Man my shorts got stuck real quick up...well, It required some readjusting.  Belle got on the board at the bottom near the jets, and did really real.  But Davis the daredevil just jumped right on at the top and went speeding down the ramp.  He did great for never having done it before.  Prior to the shorts getting stuck, I did manage a couple of bunny hops on my knees. 
Magan took Ruby at first, and apparently Ruby found the topless section.  :)  I went with Sam, Davis and Belle on all of the tube slides, and they did not want to stop.  As we waited on the stairs for the family slide, all three of them would skip the family slide line and run to the top to ride the back slide all the way to the bottom.  Then run back up the stairs to where I was holding our spot in line...then they went back on the slides again and again until I was at the front of the line for the family slide.  We did mistakenly take Ruby on the family slide after she woke up from a nap.  Bad Idea, this was fun, but a little rough for a 1 1/2 year old. 
After Ruby woke up, Magan went with the kids on slides, while I took Ruby.  She is just too fun.  Her smiles were just perfect as we went to the "tunnel" and made echos through the tunnel.  Everyone had fun sliding, but my time in the kiddie area with Ruby was just perfect.  She just kept grinning at each little water "hazard". 
We also tried out Magan's new GoPro camera for some of these pictures, and got some cool video coming down the slides.  Also, this was the perfect day for the waterpark as It was raining hard outside.  Finally leaving late in the evening to change, we went to the hotel restaurant for what was probably our favorite meal of the whole trip.   I can't remember everything we got, but my black bean burger was awesome, Davis had spaghetti and Meatballs which was crazy good for only $8, and Magan really liked hers too...Oh well, it was just food, but food after a day of was really good. 



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