Sunday, January 28, 2018

Disney Day 10 - The Drive Home

Ahhh...the drive home...and just a few more remaining memories that happened sometime this week...or perhaps later the next week...but anyway, captured here with some snuggled up folks below...
- Ruby would come down the stairs each day in her dress, but each day (as I witnessed several times) before turning the corner where Granny and Granddaddy would see her, she would close her eyes and shake her hair, making her self presentable, then gracefully (hands out to the side) glide down the few remaining stairs to her audience below.
- Ruby said to Granddaddy "You look Sad".  He said "It's because I am so old".  Ruby replied "No you not.  When you get old, you die"
- And Ruby got sick the week after we got home, but I will share her prayer below here "Dear God, please make my fever to go away so I can hug and kiss my mommy and daddy, because I love them, Jesus name amen"
- From Granddaddy "I really thought that I followed Sam and Davis around for 2.5 hours because they were playing sorcerer of the kingdom, and wanted me to play with them.  At least that is what I thought until Mark told me that Sam said granddad drug them around over 2 hours to play the game"  haha...I know they enjoyed having granddad play...especially when he gave them cards they needed.  :)

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