Saturday, January 27, 2018

Disney Day 9 - Magic Kingdom

So...some major props to Katie in making this day an awesome day for us.  She even moved her Dwarfs Minetrain fastpass early in the morning so we would get to ride.  We would have skipped this ride without linking up with her fastpasses.  She had all the mountains lined up for us, and the kids were excited for a final day in the parks.  But this was about the worst morning ever, and almost made us lose our awesome day...
It began with us leaving the condo a little later than usual, but we were still making good time until Magan needed her lipstick...and we realized 10 minutes from the condo, that we did not have our backpack.  So back we went, now pressed for time to get to our first fastpass.  Then we made it to the monorail, and the cast members were sending people to the ferry boat...Rule number one is NEVER get on that ferry boat, and I think it was an outright lie for the castmembers to recommend that option being faster than the monorail.  But with trouble on the monorail, we thought we would just take the resort monorail instead.  Then as we waited for the resort monorail, we watched as everybody loaded right onto the express monorail no trouble.  But no problems, the resort monorail is much more comfortable and less crowded anyway.  So finally after some extra stops we made it to the front gate of the magic kingdom when Belle looked up at me with worried eyes..."I don't have my magic band".  So I sent the rest of the crew into the park, while Belle and I got into guest relations...20 minutes later, and about 45 minutes late for our fast pass, we entered the park. 
So Disney was nice enough to let us on the Minetrain, then we met up with Katie in frontierland to ride Thunder Mountain.  Later we had a dole whip (Sam getting his very own as part of his Disney magic money), and even tho Katie and Wyatt probably had like 50 fastpasses, they stayed in line with us for the Pirates ride.  Ruby and her buddy Wyatt had a great last day together, getting to see some princesses and ride some rides together.  A sick Mark joined up with us on this last day before the Davis' flew out...and we watched the cutest crew of Cinderellas and Prince Charming see the Fairy Godmother before they had to leave. 
Ruby got a new friend "Angel" or "Girlie Stitch", and was able to take it on many rides.  We were able to watch the parade, see the country bears again, and ride It's a small world one last time.  We ate supper in the castle, and Ruby quickly grabbed Sam's sword, as she did not seem to be impressed with the wand. 
Always sad to leave on the last day...but a few remaining memories
- Magan took a picture of davis on the wall he was climbing 4 years ago when she thought he had broken his arm. 
- I saw Magan passing us on the Peoplemover, and Mark yelled at her and she saw us.  I guess that isn't a great memory, but it was funny to me, and I don't think I have ever noticed other people in our party as they were riding around on the people mover. 

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