Sunday, January 21, 2018

Disney Day 3 - EPCOT

A difficult night it was.  Belle's fever spiked up after the late night at Magic Kingdom, then she puked before going to bed.  Our week in Disney was looking to be going sour, as we checked the nearby urgent care centers, and then quarantined Belle, putting Ruby in our room for the night.  And poor little anabelle could not even fake it telling us she felt "Good".  So we got some medicine in her, and planned to just watch her in the morning, and Magan would just stay home with her while we went to EPCOT the next day.  But the morning brought answered prayers as our little girl was already feeling good, and had not had a fever all night.  She and Magan stayed home from church that morning, but when I called afterwards, they were both dressed, feeling good, and ready to go!  The picture of her in her newly purchased Minnie glasses below show the transformation.  Amazing from one day to the next, and she never had any more problems for the remainder of the trip.
Our day began with a few rides, characters, then a great German meal.  The picture below is my favorite of the whole trip.  Germany, the whole family, and a little Disney magic hopping on Ruby's head.  Ruby got her lady and the tramp baby today and was so happy.  And a few more memories of this day, many captured below:
- Davis finally got a HAPPY BIRTHDAY pin, and enjoyed the many birthday wishes.  He was showing off his new pin at the German meal.
- Magan had Anabelle get a picture with a Giant Sombrero in Mexico, and sent the picture to Stella, who has a very unique fear of sombreros.  Stella asked in confusion "Why?", then even more confused stated "But she is my friend?"  Haha...sombreros can't keep those two apart.
- Anabelle saw the grass growing on the buildings in Norway, and explained to her mom that they must have dug under a beautiful grass hill to make those buildings underneath
- Magan also meet the guy featured in the poster below from Norway.  He asked her if she would like a hand massage...hmmm...a Norwegian Fragrance Designer giving hand massages...nice try Mr. Ness.  Anyway, Magan said he gave an excellent massage.
- Somehow I got a picture from Thunder mountain in the stack below, but it cracked me up.  Looks like everyone is having fun, even the bearded stranger that sat by Sam.
- And Katie is like magic woman with fast passes, I am sure I will speak to her skills later in these blogs, but it was really pretty crazy, as she had us soarin fastpasses for a group of 11 within 10 minutes of us leaving the Frozen ride.  Anyway, we were excited and Ruby was going to get to ride, we didn't even realize the day before that she was tall enough to ride many rides.  So her first big girl ride, and our group gets the BEST row middle.  And we have the entire picture below...but then she says about at the start of "Duddy"s (was that his name from Seinfeld?) speech about our flight..."Dad, I got to go to the bathroom real bad".  You know, we had just walked right past two bathrooms, and even stopped at one so everyone could go.  I told her I would run her to the bathroom, and she was able to make it thru the ride, but after the ride, her eyes told me that there was not much time left, so I RAN what seemed like a half mile of the exit of that ride back to the bathroom, where my little girl could final go.  And this Sam, Davis, Anabelle, why you better always go when the bathroom is available.  MAKE your kids go, just like we made you!
- Sam was rocking the German hat on this day, and I say he wore it well. 
- Katie poked fun at me with getting a picture with a Steif bear in Germany.  A constant reminder of how horrible my gifts were to my sister when I was younger.  Katie:  I wish now I would have ripped that tag off and played with you and that little bear.  I would love to also go back and open up that Holiday Barbie and play barbies too.  Anything I gift to you from now going forward you are free to open up and play with immediately, and should you desire, I will play too.  :)
- And I guess because these pictures are below...we had a couple of riding buddies develop during this day...Davis and Wyatt...and Ruby and Granny. 



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