Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Disney Day 5 - Hollywood Studios

Our day at Hollywood Studios began with the force and ended with the force.  I would have never thought to do this Jedi in Training for the kids, but Katie mentioned it for Wyatt, and our kids were excited as well.  And based on the Jedis in Training having its very own blog, this was just a great experience...and I am glad we did it!  We also had our first and only bit of rain on this trip, and it was not much at all...probably wouldn't have remembered any rain...but now we will because I have captured it forevermore. 
We were at the park early so we could get in line early.  And quickly got some feedback that they ask questions of the younger ones about their ability to follow directions and answer simple questions...Katie and I immediately started prepping Wyatt and Ruby on how to answer.  I think Wyatt had it down no problem, but Ruby had me worried that they would pull her from the group...and I was worried up until she actually battled Kylo Ren...but that is another blog.  Sam also found a cool trick that he and Granny thought was really funny...he had a levitating hat on the Tower of Terror. 
We split up a bit so Magan took Ruby to meet some characters while I rode Rocking Roller Coaster.  But later joined back up for lunch and Star Tours.  Our lunch was definitely my favorite NEW place to eat at the SCI FI dine in theater.  This was great and quiet.  Granddaddy spoiled those grandkids with getting them all their own glow in the dark drinks.  And Sam sat by himself, but I think he put his arm around the back pack and they snuggled close. 
I think we hit everything at this park no problem, but once toy story land and star wars land get added...it may be impossible to hit all in one day.  The final firework show was great, but my favorite part was holding Ruby and telling her we had to use the force for the fireworks...I love my little Jedi.   And the picture below of her fixing Wyatt's Jedi robe is one of my favorites of the trip. 


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