Thursday, January 25, 2018

Disney Day 7 - EPCOT

I have always loved this park, and always happy to come back.  This was our day to go around all the countries.  Magan, Granny, and the girls began the day at Akershus with all the princesses, then joined us for Soarin.  We hit many of the rides we had missed the previous day.  
Other memories of this day:
- The first picture below is one Magan thought was so cute.  Ruby just kept playing with the flowers on Belle's dress. 
- Davis finds the perfect hat for him reading "DUUUDE" outside of Turtle Talk
- Cold weather prompted us to buy overpriced Tobaggins, that I think were only worn for the one picture below
- For some reason Magan captured a selfie with the british or Canadian officer...I guess she has a memory and reason for this picture
- Our stop in France for pastries was great, but I ordered like 6 pastries and they were all gone within about 5 minutes.
- Ruby rode the Mission to Space ride sitting on a booster seat, and after riding Test Track as well, we have realized that she loves the fast rides.  "It tickles my belly"
- I loved watching Sam taking care of Ruby on the Turtle Talk with Crush show.  He loves that little sister and doesn't mind sitting down there with all the little ones so that Ruby is ok.  Magan took Davis and Belle around to the aquarium while we did this show.
- As we traveled around the countries, the girls loved stopping in the KidCots getting their passports signed, and in the UK, Ruby wrote her whole name for the first time.  Picture and evidence below.
- As they did with the Sorcerers at the Magic Kingdom, Sam and Davis got to spend some time on their own completing the Secret Agent Perry challenge in Germany and France. 
- As a family, we got into one of the Art Pictures at EPCOT, and I think we picked some immodest picture that the photographer told us later that it is not one typically taken with a family...oh well. 
- Sam also had some really good ideas for fastpass today, that made me realize he is no longer a padwan...I will have to send him to Katie for full Fastpass Jedi training.
- And in a mixture of old school and new school tricks, I had some fastpasses I needed to get to Katie at the end of the day.  I told her I would just hide them in the bushes near the CocaCola Coolspot, then she had me take a picture of the location...and they were later found by her group as they left.  Sounds like a fun new game we should play as a family when we all go down together.  

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