Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Jedis In Training...HERE WE COME!

The picture directly below still makes me smile.  That little girl had me worried the whole time that she would chicken out.  And as this little group marched towards their battle with Kylo Ren and Darth Vader, the leader would call out "JEDIS IN TRAINING", then all those little guys would chant "HERE WE COME".  I knew little Ruby had fun when after we got home from Disney, I randomly yelled out Jedis in Training, and her little voice from down the hall yelled back "Here we come". 
Sam could have done this, but I guess he felt too big.  But Davis was a good sport and "helped me" to get Ruby and Belle there safely.  :)  I will just let the pictures show the rest of this adventure with only one thing further I captured for the blog.  I was so proud of Ruby not getting scared, and told her she was so brave to face Kylo Ren, she looked up at me with those big brown eyes and a little grin and said "I was a little scared".  I think I would have been too.  :)


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