Friday, January 26, 2018

Disney Day 8 - Animal Kingdom

As we went to sleep the previous night, we had plans to go to Magic Kingdom on this day, but in asking the kids about their excitement, none were very excited.  Magan had declared after the first day at Animal Kingdom that she was glad we had "finished" that park, and she had no desire to go back.  And again, my goal is to make everyone happy, and Magan was quickly getting overruled.  So as a crazy planner wanting to make everyone happy, I made a game time decision at 6 AM on this morning that we would go back to the Animal Kingdom, and that we would get in line to ropedrop Avatar.  The kids immediately began smiling when realizing we would be going back to the Animal Kingdom...which is really kind of weird, but the new Pandora land is a new favorite.  Plus I had some weird bonus fastpasses I had gotten earlier due to some troubles with scheduling. 
So anyway, with everyone super excited, but Magan, we went back and realized quickly that people get their very early for Avatar, and we stepped into a 2.5 hour line for Avatar.  Magan and Ruby had to hang out with us in the line while we went out of Pandora then back into Pandora in one of the longest lines I have ever seen.  Once nearer to the front, Magan was able to get a childswap ticket, and she left to enjoy Rafiki's Planet Watch while the rest of us waited in a long long line.  I think Granny and Granddaddy have decided to never again come with apparently I am the only one that stays off resort and doesn't take advantage of all the fast pass benefits of being on resort.  Maybe one day I can also be at the same Disney social status as my siblings and parents. 
And some other memories from below
- Magan said that Ruby loved Rafiki's area, and she got several more stickers for her Wilderness Explorer book.  One area she got to go thru a garden area, and another she got to pet the "cute little goats".
- Belle got to pick out a banshee.  She had actually told me the night before that that was the one thing she saw that she really wanted.  She named her banshee "Sweetie"
- At lunch (may or may not have been here), Ruby tasted a fried pickle.  She said it was good, and that it was a "chicken pickle"
- Davis also found that he wanted a banshee later in the day, and I had made a deal with him and Belle that they only had to pay half.  Belle and Davis both were excited to get one and let me know that "Dad, you actually got a buy one, get one free" because you only have to pay for half.  Ok, sounds right.  :)
- With our crazy extra fastpasses, me and the kids rode the Dino Whirl roller coaster like 4 times.  Ruby loved the Dinosaur ride.  And Everyone loved riding Everest over and over again. 
- One of my favorite pictures was of the last two in this blog.  I took a picture of Belle with the AK tree above her.  I laid down on the ground to get this picture of her and her banshee, and thought it was a cool picture.  Then I heard Ruby say she also wanted that picture, and as I turned around, she was laying on the I just took that picture. 


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