Monday, January 22, 2018

Disney Day 4 - Animal Kingdom

Well, I think we had a great time here on this day, but it began in a large line as we were planning to ride Avatar, and wanted to be there early.  Well, that is a reasonable plan if the park wasn't already open for resort guests, and before we could even get to the ride, it was already over a 2 hour line.  So off we went to ride everything else while others flocked to Pandora.  As we waited in line, it was fun to see Mr. Social "Davis" as that kid asking the animal keepers all about the ducks and how and what they were being fed.  That guy could have hung out with that lady all day.  I have always really liked this park, but I don't think Magan has ever been sold on it...but at least on this trip, it was a favorite for the kids. 
How can I be the only one in my family to absolutely love the NEMO musical.  At least the girls sing the songs with me.  Definitely one of the best things at this park.  I guess everybody else is just not cool and will not "Go with the Flow" in this "Big Blue World". 
OK, some memories for the pictures below, and some that I just don't want to forget:
- This was Dave's first time to ride Everest.  He finally talked himself into it, and rode next to me...there was one part that I could tell he was dreading, but then as we expected, he loved it, and it became his new favorite ride.  Davis ended up riding 3 times on this day...and Sam left his pin trading bag on the ride...seems like that happened last time. 
- Ruby loved being a Wilderness Explorer and getting her stickers...almost had to try and sneak her past the signs where Disney tries to actually educate kids while in the park.  Ruby loved it! 
- There are some pictures below of Ruby dancing to the drums of the land.  Funny to see how carefree they are at that age, no issues with anyone watching, just completely ready to dance in front of all. 
- This was also our late night riding Avatar...when the line had died back down to 2 hours...and luckily Granny and Granddaddy were able to take Ruby home for us.  Avatar is a great ride, and one of the kids favorites, but that is a long time for a ride.  But Magan convinced me that we needed to do it that night, and she was right, we had a great time as a family hanging out in line. 
- I think it was this night that Granddaddy made a wrong turn and ended up trying to go into EPCOT.  Ruby told Granddaddy that "you a bad driver", and that "my daddy would turn here".  Ha, if she only knew her daddy made those same wrong turns later in the week. 





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