Sunday, July 29, 2018

Weekend with Marcus and Emily

Well, I needed a break from these kids after our long vacation ( in my text to magan I had grass to cut, loads and loads of laundry to wash, and blogs to get started...but probably should have skipped it for this fun), so they went off to see Marcus and Emily the weekend after we got back.  I heard lots of excitement about their cute dogs.  Sam was very excited to find out that Marcus was a big fan of Brandon Sanderson.  Davis finally rode space shot screaming "I did not die!  Let's do it again".  Wish I was with these guys, glad they had fun!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Around the House...

Always one of the last blogs in a usual long series of blogs...we come once again to pics of our moments captured that I pull from the 1000s to help keep the blog at a reasonable size each year.    So stories as you scroll down...We finally were able to take the kids to "The Melting Pot" to enjoy some chocolate!...Summer Ice Cream Parties, swimming get togethers, trips to see Granddaddy...blueberry bush pickin'...Cobra Kai! visit from Colby's clan...and me acting goofy with the kids during bible class.