Sunday, July 15, 2018

Palm Beach Vacation - Drive/Miami/Rest

Our Friday drive down to West Palm Beach was a very long one with several traffic delays, and one extended delay trying to get a Florida Toll Sunpass.  As usual, our car was PACKED, and this time with beach gear fun noodles and Magan's big ole reclining chair.  Davis even set up as he described it "his fortress of solitude".  Well, we always seem to get the doors closed, and I guess that is step one to having it loaded. 
The pictures are way out of order below, but we had a drive down day, then went to Miami for the baseball game, then Sunday had a day of rest.
On the way down, I had to make us stop at the Florida Rest Area to get some free orange juice.  And while there I purchased a SunPass...which was great...and maybe not so great.  We did bypass all the cash toll lanes, but It took forever to get signed up, and even when I check online, I never saw any of the I am expecting a large bill soon.
The Miami Marlins game was great, as it was air conditioned.  It was our first time in a dome, but really fun game as they beat the Phillies.  We got to meet Billy the Marlin.  And then I saw favorite ball player of all time...I did not even realize he was now the head coach of the marlins...Mr. Don Mattingly.  I tried to get a few pictures of him on the field, but somewhat neat surprise and experience to see him.  Other random memories of the Marlins game...It was Nicaraguan heritage day, so we saw a lot of them...We were part of a wave that went around the not-so-crowded park 7 times, thanks mostly to the Nicaraguans...I almost had a wreck trying to get to a parking spot out front of the stadium...
Sunday night, we had a really good dinner at an Italian restaurant near our hotel.  It had a beautiful fountain near by our outside table, and our girls immediately became princesses as they lounged near the fountain after the meal.  Magan told me that Ruby found a dime, and Magan asked her if she wanted to make a wish with it.  In her princess voice she replied "I wish I could throw it in the water". 
And going to church that morning from our hotel, we passed a McLaren, Ferrari, Lamborghini, BMW, Mercedes, and Jaguar dealership.  We were in more of the ritzy side of town...if that previous sentence did not convey that completely.  We were about 10 miles from Trumps Merlago beach place.  We had valet parking...and yes, we were somewhat out of place. 



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