Saturday, July 21, 2018

Palm Beach Vacation - Back to Dothan

In looking now at the pictures, I am realizing that we did not get one picture of John, which is probably weird for the favorite son, but he must now realize that Ellie and Bella get 100% of the attention.  It was a great part of our trip for one last stop at John and Shaeys place in Dothan.  We all loved playing with the girls and getting to spend time with...apparently all except John based on pictures below.  We also enjoyed a lunch with old church friends.  A great way to end our trip. 

Random last memories of the trip...Ruby telling Magan when going to the bathroom with her "I went in DaNudderOne side you mom.  I see your feets!"...Ruby telling us about her booboo, "My booboo looks like bacon"...And Ruby not eating anything at a meal cause "I drink lots of coke"...and Davis just up and laying down after meals, like laying down actually in the Arbys, or Mellow Mushroom, or...


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