Thursday, July 19, 2018

Palm Beach Vacation - Zoo

If it hasn't been mentioned before, the zoo visits are all me.  I don't think Magan would ever make a decision to come to the zoo without me, so kids, if you liked the zoos, come give me a monkey hug and let me know you did.  I love them, and love seeing the animals.  I love the smiles the kids have when they get to touch or interact with one of the animals.  But even with this love of zoos, this one was tough, because West Palm at 95 degrees was very HOT!

Before we got to the zoo, we went to a local Grilled Cheese restaurant near our hotel, where we scarfed down on Cowboy Grill Cheese (Mac and Cheese, BBQ, Cheese, Bacon, BBQ Sauce) for me and the boys, and Cowgirl Grill Cheese (Mac and Cheese, Chicken, Bacon, White Sauce)  for Magan.  Belle grabbed some soup.  We also ate some Poutine...which we found out was basically just French fries with gravy and cheese...and amazing!

And back to the zoo...did I mention it was hot.  There is one picture of Ruby below with some foliage shaped like an elephant.  She looked at it a long time, and looked up at Magan with a serious look.  "They took all its skin off and put leaves on it".  Ha, she is weirdly funny sometimes.  I also thought it was crazy to see the lizards just walking by thru the zoo down here.  They were all over, kinda like peacocks at other zoos.  Anabelle saw one near her on a path, and when she realized it was real, she gave her disgusted look and quickly went to the other side of the path.

After the zoo, we drove up to Cocoa Beach to see the world famous Ron Jon surf shop.  And what we found out was that it was a surf shop...and so now we have seen it, that is checked off list.  We did visit a good restaurant near Ron Jon on the beach.  I took the kids out to the beach while we waited for food.  Afterwards I got their picture with the tiki guys...and the random drunken photo bombing dude  that was excited to be in the picture.  He told "mama" she was looking good. 

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