Friday, July 6, 2018

Camp Sequoyah - Day 6

The menu is very important during camp week, and they feed us very well.  All you can eat for each meal, and really good cafeteria food.  Anyway, no complaints from me.  The last day on Friday is Water Carnival day.  They open up the water slide for anyone...they have canoe tug of war...scoutmaster belly flop...swimming races...Pretty fun day if you like the probably most fun for Davis...more than me and Sam.  Some of the activities were canceled due to thunder in the area, but I captured Davis on the water slides...and one of our leaders in the Scoutmaster golf tournament.  Sam and I also had some time to do some carving during the week...he is much faster than me...guess he is more comfortable with the knife after cutting his finger so much.  Later that night we all had to gather under the tarps as some HEAVY rain came in...then had a fun scare as the camp sirens were going off...and we didn't even hear them at our camp site.  Some of the staff members ran to our site and let us know to immediately make our way towards the main cafeteria to get out of the woods.  So we had to go from tent to tent to make sure that all the boys were rounded up...then we went to the cafeteria...most of us soaked. 
Another good meal...another round of George Washington Bridge...then over to the camp closing ceremony.  Skits and songs ended, both boys macarenaed again...and we began our last night of sleep before going home in the morning.  


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